Poppy PLaytime Update
With the new update, it's now possible to skip the first tape, does that mean we're going to create a new "post-update" category?
i cant find a way to downpatch it, the guide we have here is the one where you cant skip the first intro and is becoming a pain in the **s
Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1 (2021)
SRC Series: Poppy Playtime Duo ChallengeSurvive both Chapter 1 & 2 of Poppy Playtime
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The Twitch Highlights Change
If you didn't know, two days ago Twitch announced that Highlights will now have a 100 hour storage limit meaning that you can only have a total of 100 hours of highlights on your Twitch Channel.
The change doesn't come to effect until April 19th, but today we will be implementing som
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