Re-submitting Luciano's Run As A Complete Video On The Leaderboards
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hi there, I found out about Luciano's record from this Reddit post.

I then tried to watch it and realized it was in 13 separate videos. (yes I understand the limitations of the platform at the time but trying to watch it today is just inconvenient as heck) So I decided to download his entire playlist, put it into Adobe Premiere, and edit it together into one complete run. This includes no video overlap, linking each video together by the frame to create the smoothest watching experience possible. I can tell the moderators personally there is no cut parts and the video is what the record was originally supposed to look like. So in honor of Luciano and making his run watchable forever I ask one of the mods to submit my video for first place. Here's the link.

Really enjoyed working on this for your community and I was also able to download Zeno's segmented run with help from EZScape and that is also on Youtube! But it is currently unlisted because I want to include more info in the description about the run itself/Zeno. So that will come very soon. Hope you consider my offer and have a great day! :)

Seoul, South Korea

Thanks for your work, however his run / submission will not be changed. His run / parts are on his personal youtube account and there is no reason to change that

Michigan, USA

Oh okay. Didn't receive the notification for this reply. Understand the reasoning behind this! Would you do so for Zeno's segmented run maybe? Youku's video player is kind of mediocre to watch anything from my experience. I can also maybe get the true date from Zeno himself soon.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

You have contact with Zeno?

Michigan, USA

By technicality yes. I was asking in the Resident Evil Speedruns Discord and Carcinogen has a friend who could interview Zeno+translate whatever he says into English so I could have that info. ie Date of the run, the console model used, and any other special info. I will try to do that sometime today! And post another thread containing the video once the information I need is acquired.

Seoul, South Korea

the original run and vid file by zeno is saved in my cloud if something goes wrong with his japanese host. However, same reason goes as for lucianos run. Additionally asking "why" ? do you want to have these things changed. There is no practical reason behind that and if i checked correctly you dont seem to be running / submitting anything to DC1 , it all just seems very random and out of nowhere

Hydrus and MASH like this
Michigan, USA

Oh alright good to hear! It's definitely an important video which should be preserved. I am semi interested in doing Dino Crisis as a speed-game but I've been busy with other video projects/playing other speed-games to fully dive face first into it yet. And yeah just thought I would ask. Your reasoning does make sense. I just do this in my free time that's all. ^^

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