Meme Catagory: Jess Panties%
7 years ago
United Kingdom

I just had a idea can we make this into a meme speed run, it would roughly take 1:30-1:45 and ends when Jess is confirmed to be in her underwear.

Just have it in the misc and it would be the shortest run something that might entice people to run Until Dawn again and makes learning the beginning segments easier.

also have it under Misc.

hyptix likes this

Better yet why dont we do 1 where you kick the wolf, or better yet just have a category for the first chapter eh? MingLee

hyptix and TTInquisitor like this
Czech Republic

Credits% pls

United Kingdom

Why not Kappa, have one for each of Emily's deaths ;D

hyptix and Mattmatt like this

Its so stupid of how these categories are thought of but so simple but funny for people to run it

TTInquisitor likes this
United Kingdom

It would be funny, and I would happily run it first, I just thought of it during my Plat Trophy.

Since you need to do some extra things to get her to strip.


I was gonna think of 1 Survive but thats basically Any% lmao, All 8 Survive and Wolfy survives could be one


Since CaptNikolai posted a forum about it (13 hours ago)


I was being sarcastic, they are not being made EleGiggle

Nemz38 and catalystz like this
Czech Republic

I demand credits%


I also demand Prologue%

TTInquisitor likes this
United Kingdom

Until Dawn Josh Survival% when?


2 Survive% when?

United Kingdom

Does this game even have OOB?


yeah not useful tho