Should you really have to go through the hole at the end for a successful level run?
9 days ago
United States

I see that on most speed runs they go through the exit yes, but not through the hole they stop the time once they go through. Or like on level 9 they stop the time on the last bucket of candy. However I had a top 3 run with a time of 51.790 it got rejected because I did not go through the hole. But level one you kind of have to go through the hole to complete that level. So let me know whether or not you agree with the point I’m making or not. I will link the video.

Edited by the author 9 days ago
United States

I’m not making a big deal out of it I’m just making a point that other speed runners don’t usually go through the hole on level runs


I think it's a pretty useless rule, since you technically beat the level when you enter the room at the end of it.


I feel like just getting past the door is enough for it to count as being beaten

United States

That’s fair


I think that the runs should start as soon as you exit the safe zone and end as soon as you get your head past the door to the exit room/area

United States

Yup that’s fair I agree with that

United States

But if you look at the top level 9 runs they end when they collect the last bucket so I am a bit confused


Like, what counts as into hole? All the way down, just getting your head into it? It's not explained. Does the timer keep going until you get into it?

Edited by the author 9 days ago

Yeah, I feel like level 9 should be fixed so that you have to get into the big pumpkin at the end, but the other levels untouched with how you finish them

United States

Yes I completely agree with you, do you think it was a good speed run for someone who started the game like a month or maybe two ago


Yeah it was good.

But to stay on topic, I think trashing a bunch of good runs for not "jumping into the hole" is stupid and a bad moderation decision

United States

Yeah sorry for getting a little bit off topic.


It's fine lol

United States

Okay thank you for your time W1lliPet


All I hope for is for this rule change to be reverted

United States

I see both of your concerns, we have had that rule changed many times and it always ends up a mess either way. If you both would like, we could all get together in a Discord call or in a VC in the BSSR Community OFFICIAL Discord server and you guys can fully explain what you guys mean and think it should be like. Just ping me in the server when you guys are ready to hop in a call/VC and we can discuss this.

FloppaTheGuy, Afishvr, and W1lliPet like this
United States

I can’t have any discord or any of that I’m sorry my parents think it’s a bad influence even though I’m 13

United States

Sorry I couldn’t respond quick enough I had baseball tournament games and the new rules look great Silverman

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We will be accepting runs again! I forgot to say earlier in the week, I am very sorry.

We will be accepting runs again! I forgot to say earlier in the week, I am very sorry.

2 days ago