All Bosses
7 months ago
Florida, USA

Like All Bosses in Order.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
New Jersey, USA

A better idea would be to speedrun each boss individually including the boss rush with Dry Bowser using the battle ring in the arcade, this wouldn’t work for the koopalings, here are some runs I have done

Florida, USA

Actually, I'm taking about the whole story mode, just like the other RPG games.


A all bosses category has already been discussed in the past, however the community at the time wasn't too interested in the concept as the game doesn't have many ways to do bosses out of order, and doing them in order is just a faster glitchless run, which as you can see on the leaderboards, would be quite long.

Florida, USA

Oh, Ok, that's makes total sense.​

Florida, USA

I just wanna see a speedrun that has the whole story, similar to glitchless speedrun, and no one else has done it, y'know.

New Jersey, USA

this kinda sounds like a No Major Glitches run (NMG) where using glitches is allowed but doing large skips is banned, but in a NMG run there are a few bosses that can be skipped with minor glitches, mainly going out of bounds and going around there trigger zone

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