7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Leaderboard: Discord: Moderation: Super Mods: a_xxEzraBxxx_b and eddiecatgaming Mods: KingOf_JohnnyBoy and jknott

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

@a_xxExraBxxx_b could you give eddie super mod, he came up with the category.m

Kentucky, USA

sure. Are you creepy debbie

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

EDIT: I've added a discord channel for this category. Me and eddiecatgaming get super mod roles. And jtknott and KingOf_JohnnyBoy get Mod roles. Lul_ecks_dee gets a Verifier role. I made a custom email for verifing runs so its easier. All roles get the email and password.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Louisiana, USA

what is the discord

Kentucky, USA

kinda like a mixture of skype and teamspeak. Takes like 2 minutes to get signed up at YOu can download the app or use the bowser version (did you see what I did there, hehe)

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11x Categories - New Timing Method

Hey Folks!

Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:

  • Timing starts from power-on/reset (or game select if you're using one of the combo cartridges).
  • Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
  • Time betw
1 year ago
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