Why is Cycling measured in RTA rather than IGT?
6 years ago

Just wondering.

Dekuboy likes this
United States

The short answer is yes, even back in Feburary Bandow and I agreed that IGT is how Cycling should be ranked. However right now if we try to rank my IGT, we are going to screw up some other category rankings.

Despite losing WR, I agree with you, Triple-T. How would changing 1 category to IGT screw up the rest though?

United States

Because how src works is everything is done in IGT or RTA, it doesn't let us change it per category.

Wipeoutjack7 likes this
New York, USA

You can do what you guys did with Quack%, where you only have players submit their IGT and don't submit they're RTA time. Then SRC will rank the times with IGT.

Dekuboy, Wipeoutjack7, and Triple-T like this
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