So is the old fall damage tool allowed for archon%?
1 year ago
United States

I was kinda bummed out when I learned that rocket jumping kills you with the fixed speed augments but I might start running again after seeing the new wr use the tool.


OldFallDamage is allowed. Consider this as a downpatch and return to old times before armor fix. It is crucial for ILs because some levels become literally unbeatable without patch (2 years of runs) but it doesn't make big difference for full-game runs

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

Does it affect/is it allowed in single level runs? I've never seen it before


yeah its allowed in single level runs ive used it in them

DevastatorOne and noxipoo like this
United States

Awesome! How can I access/enable it?



go to %appdata%\Godot\app_userdata\Cruelty Squad

go to (or make one if it doesnt exist for some reason) mods folder and drag the oldfalldmg folder in there from the zip file

and it should work

United States

I've installed the mod loader, but the oldfalldmg tool isn't in the same zip folder with it. do I get it seperately?

Ignore that* Just found it I'm a dumbass, its in the recourses tab lmao

Edited by the author 1 year ago
IUseArchByTheWay likes this

should have clarified thats my bad