I personally would probably suggest adding more licenses for getting all of a specific booster type. For example, obtaining both boxes for the booster cards ( the 32 count and the 64 count), and both basic booster card boxes ( so the 4 and 8 count booster boxes). But do that for all of them, Basic, Rare, Legendary, Epic, etc
具体的には4 count booster boxes の licenses 解放までです。一度Card Opens で走ってみたのですが、missが多かったけど約35minute だったので short RTAとしておすすめだと思いました。
Specifically, it is up to the point where the licenses for the 4 count booster boxes are unlocked. I once tried running it with Card Opens, and although there were many misses, it was only about 35 minutes, so I think it's recommended as a short RTA.
That's what they said
Due to the 0.51 update being released today, some changes have been made.
We have introduced the new version tag 0.51 (this is now the default for new runs)
New Categories:
Shop A - Expansion 21
Shop A - Expansion 22
Shop A - Expansion 23
Shop A - Expansion 24
Shop A - Expansion 25