Steam Deck (and Linux) Compatibility
1 year ago
California, USA

Somehow, this game caught my eye when I was browsing around for games with no submitted runs and I was shocked to see activity in the forum and a freshly-posted guide. So in the interest of sharing for anyone else who might also want to set up this game on a Linux desktop or Steam Deck in the future, I'm happy to report that with some small configuration tweaks I was able to get this working.

Essentially, it's as simple as adding Tenerezza.exe as a non-Steam game and setting the Launch Options to: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

While the game will work without this launch option on a normal desktop, getting this game to not crash after the opening cinematic in the Steam Deck's game mode does require this modification.

Speaking of the opening cinematic, to get it to show up properly you'll want to use one of the GloriousEggroll custom Proton versions. I'm using GE-Proton8-25 since I had that on-hand. This may also be important if there are similar movie files used in normal game-play or the ending, but might otherwise be optional. I just haven't gotten far enough on my own to verify one way or the other.

While I haven't completed the game yet to verify that there aren't any Linux-specific issues running the game this way, I've had a very smooth experience all the way up to the Nuvola (ヌーヴォラ) boss fight. Hoping to spend some more time with the game soon, and who knows, maybe even give Any% a go! :)

XanderDRylie likes this
United States
Super moderatorXanderDRylie
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I just created the listing earlier this week. and hoping to submit the first NG Any% soon-ish. Just need to find the strat to beat the final dungeon with so little. Lol.

And thank you for this information, I hope others who want to run this on Linux or their steamdeck will be happy for have this insight!

delcake likes this
California, USA

Hah, very lucky timing on my part, then! It's been very interesting playing around with this charming little game and I definitely never would've discovered it otherwise. Good luck on the routing, and I'm looking forward to seeing a completed run! o7

XanderDRylie likes this
United States
Super moderatorXanderDRylie
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Have you experienced any crashing using the steam deck?

I ran into 3 crashes, all at the same place in the final dungeon. Only happen 3 times of the dozens of runs I've done. It happens at the Sharomu XP fight in the final dungeon. Typically when there are a few adds summoned and they do their dive attack seems to be when it triggers most often, though not always.

Curious if you ran into that or any other crashes?

California, USA

So far, I haven't experienced any but I have yet to make it to the final dungeon. I saw you posted a completed run the other day, so I'll see if I can follow along with it and take note of any issues (or lack thereof) that I come across. Congrats on that, by the way!

XanderDRylie likes this
California, USA

So I made it through all the way to the final boss fight with no issues or crashes. I got immediately deleted by the boss, but yeah the Sharomu XP fight was stable. But since it's not consistent on your end I'll have to go through a few more times in the next few days to see if I can gather some more data.

I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up not occurring on Linux systems though, because it wouldn't be the first time that running a game through the compatibility layer gave better performance or worked around crashes.

XanderDRylie likes this
United States
Super moderatorXanderDRylie
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

That final dungeon is a BEAST. I have to get the bag upgrade, why in my run you see me selling items but 5 of the same ones (Garnets) and the bag doesn't become available till later in the game. But I had to fill up the 40 slot bag with health items.

delcake likes this
California, USA

Gave it all another go today on a fresh NG file, and managed to get the credits roll! So I can confirm from a full play-through now that I didn't have any issues with stability or crashing on Linux. I'll probably be trying to get a NG or NG+ run in the books in the coming weeks when I can find the time, so I'll keep an eye out for any random crashing.

As for the NG+ save resource that's posted, it looks like the SAVEFILE99.DAT that gets created contains the true save data that's used on a NG+ run. Updating the INI file to include the "Already Clear=1" line provides the option to start a NG+ when starting a new game, but if SAVEFILE99.DAT isn't present with the clear data, it's functionally a default NG run.

XanderDRylie likes this
United States
Super moderatorXanderDRylie
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

LET'S GOOO!!!! Congrats on the play through! and great there were no issues.

Excited to see your future run. I'm considering doing a Ng or Giant Mode run down the line. Giant mode is so funny.

and I'll add that Savefile99.Dat to the resources and the INI file as a zip.

delcake likes this
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