What's more fun; Inbounds or OoB?
5 months ago
Kentucky, USA
Any/All, He/Him
5 months ago

If you are going to reply, please list pros and cons instead of immediately jumping to conclusions.

Queensland, Australia


MANANPU, AlexTheBird and 2 others like this
Texas, USA

Inbounds No SLA

to start probably inbounds; inbounds has a very diverse route while oob has some strats which can get kinda repetitive

ask a hundred people and youll get a hundred different answers for a thousand different reasons, it really just depends what looks the most interesting to you. watch record for both and choose or flip a coin, can always switch later :P

Lyren and Aben like this
California, USA

I personally think NoSLA is more fun because you do more stuff and tricks to do, while in OoB you kinda repeats stuff

MANANPU likes this
Texas, USA

inbounds no Sla cuz the tricks are the most fun and flowey


I think you should play Noclip Oob

Queensland, Australia


timurkazz and Lyfame like this
United Kingdom

pros of oob-its hard to learn so then you could be better at inbounds, looks sick af , you can beat it in lik 7 mins cons off oob- hard to learn so basically you need tons of patience, tons of competition basically you might never get to top 10 as all times are similar and changing every day

pros of inbounds/inbounds no sla- you beat the game normally with out breaking the laws af reality (depending on no sla or not) and on the chance you do its very light, and you dont need source unpack for inbounds no sla so free space on your pc :) cons of inbounds/inbounds no sla-its a very slow run depending if you are doing normal inbounds or if you do no sla (like for me I've recently started on no sla and im getting 20 min times which is fast but not wr fast), if you are doing no sla you cant do glitches that need you to save like the obvious one save glitch.

oob is easier to learn than inbounds and arguably less competitive for most of the leaderboard, only tight around top 7

nosla does need unpack for edgeglitch


Inbounds No SLA

xyantoaster likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them
4 months ago

x25 gless

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