2 years ago

I was wondering if I can submit a sub-weapon only run? I am currently working on a "Can you beat MGRR using sub-weapons only?" challenge for a YouTube video. I have already beaten the challenge on hard difficulty but it's only possible because of NG+ using Infinite Wig A. Also, there's no way File R-00 can be beaten without using the main weapon. But I also argue that we don't have any sub-weapons to use in the first chapter. The same goes for Final Chapter R-07 during the final stage of the final battle. Sub-weapons are disabled in the last battle. Also, I allowed blade mode to be used in the run for blade cancelling. But if that is not allowed. I can start again making sure to not use blade mode. I also allowed to use defensive offense as long as it doesn't hit anyone and/or deal damage. But I can start again making sure to not use defensive offense. Also it is impossible to progress in game without using the blade where we need to cut some doors to move forward.

Here's the link to the video for the first 2 chapters.

You can skip the intro to 1:30.

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