Bear Hugger
1 year ago
Ohio, USA

Hello, I'm trying to learn the most consistent strategies for all the contender fights (for contender%) and Bear Hugger is a little bit of a problem. Contender Bear Hugger is not very consistent, and can be very difficult to pull off the one-punch knockdown with a star, so I would like to know if there are any less risky, more consistent strategies and/or buffer strats for Bear Hugger.

Thank you!!

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Made a showcasing video :)

In P1, after countering his taunt with a left jab, do a delayed buffer which is jab>duck>star.

In P2, after the recenter hook, buffer 2 hooks>duck>star. Even top runners use this one because it only wastes a single frame. The buffer does not work in phase 3.