Hello, It Is Not Yet Possible To Because It Is Not Included At This Moment. If You Are Interested In It, I Can Add It. It Would Need Some Categories Changes On This Leaderboard, But I Think We Can Do It :3. What Campaigns/Scenarios Would You Like To Speed-Run In Co-Op? Regards, Matthew
Hi Matthew, Sorry for the late answer but I had to think about it a bit. I have spoken with my friend about it, we would be most interested in either the Arma 2 Campaign Missions or the Operation Arrowhead Campaign Missions or the 2-player Private Military Company DLC (maybe as a sub-game?) We aren't sure if we are able to play with more than two players so it would be great if the category would be set to 2-4 players. Greetings, Tom
Hello, I Need Some Time To Add The Variables And Add/Change Rules To Accommodate For Co-Op Runs (It Will Be Similar To ArmA 3 Leaderboard). It Should Be Done By Sunday (07.02) But I Will Try To Do It Faster. From What I Remember And Check On ArmA Forums, The Available Campaigns In Co-Op Are:
- Harvest Red (4 Players - No Respawn)
- Operation Arrowhead (4 Players - With Respawn)
- Operation Black Gauntlet (2 Players) The Campaigns Which Cannot Be Played In Co-Op Are:
- Eagle Wing (Single Player)
- Operation Crimson Lance (Single Player) If You Have Any Further Questions, Feel Free To Ask. Regards, Matthew
As 23Banzaj has decided to step down from his position, I have become the new mod for the game (and Arma 2 regular)! (you can read more about his decision in the Discord).
Timing Changes:
As for timing, I have made two changes:
- Millisecond precision is now enabled, please make sure to include