Normal, 100% Rules being ignored
1 year ago
Tennessee, USA

Category rules clearly state "You must play on a clean file: You have to make carts from scratch and unlock all levels." and neither of these are being done in any of the 100% runs as they all have prebuilt carts as well as all levels being already previously unlocked.

Random_62 and GoIdenBoy like this
Nottinghamshire, England

Which moderator is it thats verifying them runs?


Actually all of them are different. One is laupig, the other one is jackzfiml and the third one is deleted.

Pennsylvania, USA

That rule is gonna be removed cuz it's not exactly enforced

Update: removed lol

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this

so its just really all levels but collect every star now bruh


It's a shame that this game doesn't have adequate speedrun categories and all of them are a basic playthrough of pre-emptively unlocked levels and prebuilt cars. These categories have almost no interest in contrast to if people had to build cars on spot. This would open the window to much competition in microactions and strats which parts are faster to place. That's how I used to speedrun this game before submitting many things to

Pennsylvania, USA

Having to create a new save for every attempt would be extremely tedious. Same goes for having to build a vehicle for each level in a full game run.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this

Isn't it tedious to play an already beaten game? I agree that it takes more time to reset your attempt but that's what speedrunning primarily is, it's getting fron the beginning of the game to the end having a fresh save file and in this game it is reasonable to play from scratch due to vehicles being saved after you have beaten the level.

Even if people don't want to lose their progress there are tons of apps which allow you to clone a game and have different progress in the two copies of it allowing to keep all data in the original version and reset the cloned one.

That's the problem of many mobile speedgames that the categories are aimed for NG+ ruining the initial idea of what a speedrun is.


honestly, sometimes i like to go fast on new saves, and sometimes i finish GHD in ~1 hour which is good


What I'm trying to say is that there must be a category for the new save even if people find it long to reset. That's pretty much the vanilla while NG+ should be additional.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

For information: you can reset your app data in the settings and not reinstall the whole game. With the cloning it's even easier because you delete the cloned version and copy the game again.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Orlando, FL, USA

A lot of people have been wanting a category where you need to rebuild each build every time. I think we should keep the rule for this category specifically for those people.

Pennsylvania, USA

[quote=GoldenBoy] For information: you can reset your app data in the settings and not reinstall the whole game. [/quote]

That only works on android ;)

Oh yeah, and a new save file category would actually be interesting. I'll consider adding it.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this

As a new category I am fine with that. I think we can make it easier by requiring a user to trash their contraption before every level which would allow for non new files to functionally be new files. My solution makes sense since it could be used for both any% and 100%. Plus we wouldn't have to get rid of my multiple hours worth of 100% runs that don't follow that rule.

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