Version 1.26
1 year ago

Categories for Version 1.26 are now open

He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Are you gonna obsolete previous runs every time there is a new patch?

I think that might be a bit excessive, considering there aren't a ton of people running this, and most patches aren't game breaking in terms of how it affects AI opponents.

RNG with which opponents you get seem to be way more of a factor than slight changes in framedata


old versions will now be a misc so they will still show on the boards so people have a record of there achievements at the moment we are only accepting runs for the current patch in the catgories Arcade and Arcade all stages

He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

But what if the patch someone played on doesn't exist? What if, hypothetically, someone breaks the WR and the mods decide not to create a new category for that patch because they weren't able to confirm it in time? Wouldn't you agree that would be very frustrating to players? And at the same time, it wouldn't make sense to create a category for a single run, that would add unnecessary clutter to the board.

Resetting the leaderboards with every patch seems really excessive considering the state of the game. I think it would make more sense to discuss obsoleting the previous runs if it seems like a particular change might significantly affect the meta. With the addition of new characters, that makes sense, but obsoleting perfectly good runs over a patch that doesn't even affect your character, idk, I think it's a bit detrimental to competition. Why grind for a really good run if it's just gonna be thrown into a "misc" category in a month anyway, or even be rejected entirely?

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Art_Izon and GUACAGONEQUICK like this
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Like, imagine what the board might look like 2 years down the line, if a new category is added with every patch. It will be a nightmare to navigate. And there won't be an incentive to grind because your WR on the only "official" category won't stand for very long.

Art_Izon and GUACAGONEQUICK like this

This is the best way we have decided to do the boards as it still shows peoples achievements while keeping it fair the boards do belong to the community so if alot of runners were saying the same thing then we would look to make changes but at the moment your the only person who was come forward with issues regarding the way we do the boards

Edited by the author 1 year ago

I've just started running this game for the past couple of days getting ready to submit a time, and I agree with gw4yn. I think having a blanket "Arcade Mode" category would be awesome.

Alternatively, we could have a single arcade mode category, but with times shown for each character to encourage grinding runs of all characters (Similar to smash bros' classic section)! That way you can just add new characters for each update and keep everyone's times up who has already submitted one!

And if a big update happens that seriously alters AI or something, you can keep all runs from that patch backwards and then just make a second board for the new patches onwards!

gw4yn and Art_Izon like this
United States

I strongly agree with separating by character in particular rather than by patch except in the case of particularly egregious patch changes. Information on patch can presumably be adequately preserved as a (non-subcategory) variable.

Characters should probably be under ILs rather than full game. I'd look at Persona 4 Arena Ultimax's board for an example:

Edited by the author 1 year ago
JohnnyHamcobbler and gw4yn like this
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