Discord server
9 months ago

Shouldn't we have a discord server? I feel like any speedrun community has one. Also i submitted a run 3 days ago and has not been reviewed. Is there something we can do to help review vods?

MechaNoodle, M8N, and TheVanilya like this
United States

I absolutely agree. We should totally have a discord for the community, for now it'll be pretty small but I think that as the game gets older our community will grow.

Pretty sure since there are only two mods confirming new records might take a little while to be updated. Your run does look good btw.


Ty!!! later i got a 7:29:30, very close to aipsh pb 7:29. Let's see if the mods are able to set up the discord server, i just wanted to bring up the discussion, but count on me <3


Hello ! I don't know how you skip the door to the saint of six stomach, what's the input ?


This doesn't relate to the topic of the thread, but basically your camera has to go through the trigger of the room entrance. So start a conversation with the guard, and in some of the phrases you can press escape and skip the door. Recreate one of the speedrun and you'll see for yourself

no_meta_player likes this