What is the difference between a 100% and any% for level runs?
2 months ago

I was wondering what counts and 100% and any%.

United States

I hate that Any% exists but I don't make the rules. basically: 100% is completing the level the way it is completed by completing the objective. Any% is where you have the level already completed and literally just run to the exit...

W1lliPet, Cinek2 and 2 others like this
United States

you weren't suppose to do Any%, it's not fun... don't do those.

W1lliPet, Cinek2 and 2 others like this
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Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as lev

1 month ago