New category suggestion
15 days ago

Hi! This is my first time posting to this forum so I don't really know how that works but I had an idea for a new run category I was thinking of 7 tasks solo:

The goal is to do all tasks (excluding Scanner) solo under 20 minutes with default settings for each task. I know there is an Any% category where you have to do all 8 tasks including Scanner, but doing it solo is really hard, so this focus on the pathing you have to do to achieve maximum efficiency for each task rather than loosing the run because you got unlucky with Scanner beeps.

Inculded is a video proving that this is possible with at least 2 minutes to spare, sorry for the background noise and my mic being active, I was using Steam's Background Recording which picked up my mic audio.

Thanks :)

EDIT: Also if this category is created I would like to submit the same video for it if possible :)

Edited by the author 15 days ago
alexii28 likes this

Hi, I added this category and ur run. GJ, hope u can beat this with scanner)

Edited by the author 14 days ago