Charge attack "double jump" (1.5 Jump) from start of game. Useful sequence breaks?
10 months ago
United States

I found this "Double jump" early Glitch/Bug on day 1 but couldn't find anyone or anywhere talking about it and seeing as I haven't seen anyone really trying to speedrun this game I figured I'd make a short video showing it off and hope that it can be used and useful! The timing seems to be roughly at the end of the charge attack animation, if there is dust I use that as a visual queue just as its fading away.

It can be used in a number of ways to skip certain rooms that require you to go all the way around to his a switch or lever to knock down a ladder (most can be grabbed and climbed using this trick)

Get into areas early like the Damned Ruins outside of the Mansion without the push block (or other areas probably too)

Grab ledges on higher floors/areas that you'd otherwise have to go around for.

Skip some grappling hook spots early without grappling hook.

Cross certain gaps without propulsion(but very hard to do so without just dying)

Sequence break a few areas without Grappling hook

etc etc... lots of uses but not sure if can major sequence break to a really good weapon early or to get other Movement Relics as well?

Edited by the author 10 months ago

Oooohhhh, this is juicy...

Thanks for sharing!


Hm, I played around with it a bit and while I can get it to work (on PS5) it is very inconsistent. Feels like there is something to this that we're (yet) missing. I feel like it might've something to do with the lag that the charged strike introduces and that confuses the game a bit, but not sure...

Do you mind sharing what system you were playing on?

United States

I have it on PC, and yeah it seems inconsistent, I can't quite figure out the exact timing is, (maybe it is a lag thing which would be kinda funny) And the jump heights are fairly variable, you have to kinda double tap the jump button and hold the 2nd press, I probably should have mentioned that.

United States

I believe the height is entirely determined by how many frames are between each of your jump button presses as well, which is why its so inconsistent on height. but you don't get the second jump if you double tap too late. Its basically as fast as you can hear his jump grunt sound in the video. Hoping people can make use of this if it can become consistent enough!


I have also double jumped from transitioning between screens!

United States

oh my god wow thats nuts that you can do it without even charge attack I can't believe that never happened to me in my playthrough!