11 Orb/general rule clarification?
4 years ago
United States

Questions, since they're not addressed in the category rules.

  1. For the 11 Orb run, are parallel world orbs valid?

  2. Would reloading the game via the mod menu disqualify a run? Reloading is for the purpose of exploits/glitches (unrelated to the mod menu itself, it's just more convenient than saving+quitting, rebooting Noita, and hitting continue).

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Missouri, USA

(I don't know why this only showed me for me today)

There are few runners for this category, so what I'm about to say shouldn't be taken as gospel, but it is what I believe to be the case.

  1. You can collect whichever orbs you prefer, you just need 11 orbs 'in hand' and 'complete the game'.

  2. I believe reloading via the mod menu is ok, but I won't discount the possibility that a consensus of runners could decide that that, rebooting in general, or even just pausing, to be against the rules in the future.

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