What if we did the sum of each race instead? Im fine with rta but i feel like only worry about the race is fine. I wanna know what you think and your reasoning. Also what about 100% categories where maybe you have to be in first place and you have the most points in tricks? And i wanna now what u think. I just ordered another capture card so i plan on sumbiting a few runs in the next couple of weeks.
So for the 100%, yes, You need to get 1st place in tricks and 1st place in racing because in the overall score, you won't place first. I just stuck with RTA because it was easier for me but I can 100% change that if you fell it'll be better :) Can't wait to see your run soon
Ill be cool. Ur run would have to be changed but u wouldn't have to redo it just change the time. Hell yeah cant wait to submit some runs
Okay are u gonna change the rules and add the other categories? I feel like my first run will probably be submitted to both a hundred percent and any percent since I use a lot of tricks to gain a lot of speed and boost. Ill watch if u live stream. Oh by the way can I be a moderator? I feel like we should verify each other's runs
Fuck yeah. I meant to try and convert your runs time but I forgot. I want to watch Ustream Midnight Club sometime
Will be on later tonight. It'll mainly be a blind run since I haven't played it in years, but wicked fun. I also put you as super mod to update anything you feel is wrong :)
Very cool. My capture card hasn't come in yet I'm playing on the original Xbox so I'm thinking about just using my phone to record I don't know. Hopefully we can kick each other's ass at this game and get more people to play. I remember midnight club in so good looking back in the day. I think I might grab it
The community is just about to start uploading IL's and runs. I want to be one of the first to upload and phone is perfectly fine. Im about to shorten my time soon
Theres a community for this game? I honestly thought we might be at the only two people playing this game still. Lol.
Okay i feel like we should set a standard for running this game. I started when the race started and you start a time when you start at the career. Also think we should pick between real time and in game time because I beat you in in game time but you beat me in real time. Also do we have to start a new career or can we use old save
we can use a old save, and I think starting when the race starts might be better. Also, I've gotta get used to the trike if I'm getting a better WR haha
Yeah that's the only one i havent unlocked yet. Okay so since we got the figured out. Should we use real time or in game time? Since we are starting when race starts u should re time ur run or reject it.