New Category Request Thread.
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Make your category requests here.

Ideally, I will add all the packs as someone runs them because I don't want to have 20 empty categories sitting around for a long time.

Patrick1O likes this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

I would love to introduce the party pack. It was my favorite pack to play :D

Patrick1O and PSCHARFF like this
Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah the party pack just got added. I'll give it a category

Edit: Category is now officially added.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Patrick1O likes this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

There is a bridges sampler, so how about a warps sampler and hexes sampler?

Patrick1O and PSCHARFF like this
Pennsylvania, USA

Warps and Hexes samplers added.

Patrick1O likes this

Amoeba and Variety packs.

Patrick1O and PSCHARFF like this
Pennsylvania, USA

Amoeba and Variety Packs added.

Patrick1O likes this

classic 5x5 only, classic 6x6 only etc?

Patrick1O likes this
New Zealand

Can you add a full game speedrun?

Patrick1O likes this
Missouri, USA

What would that be? All packs? If so, that would take over twelve hours and no one really has interest in that, and I don't want to add a category that's just going to sit empty forever. You're free to run it yourself and then post the run here or in the discord and then I'll add it, but I will not add a full game category to the leaderboard until someone runs it. Plus, they still add new packs sometimes so the definition could change and that would be hard to moderate.

Patrick1O likes this
United States

Rainbow Pack maybe?? kinda like classic and bonus packs

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Patrick1O likes this
United States

I suggested this in the Discord and I’ll suggest it here. We should separate runs that use hints from any%. Create a new category called hints% because it’s impossible to beat a run that uses hint without using hints yourself.

FlashGiant, Patrick1O and 2 others like this
Colorado, USA

Tower Pack please.

Sorry about sidways video.

Patrick1O and Ashr. like this
Missouri, USA

Tower pack has been added. Daily Puzzles would not work as a speedrun and will not be added.

FlashGiant and Patrick1O like this

What about adding the "time trail" category? Counting how many levels you can complete in a set time would also make this a speedrun. It would also offer an interesting alternative running randomly generated levels that you can't practice before. (I haven't run this game yet because I didn't enjoy practicing the same levels to be good, but I hold all records in Pou Connect which is basically the same with random levels.)

Patrick1O likes this
United States

There is a spreadsheet in the discord for this purpose

Could there be a category for just the 5x5 section, not just the whole classic mode?(just like Iea8ue said)

United States

There is already a Classic Pack: 5x5 levels category extension; you can access it under "Full Game Leaderboard", under the "Leaderboards" option on the game SRC page.

United States

Time trials catagories?

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