Suggest things!
6 years ago

Hello there folks, now that these pages have been brought back to life, I decided that I should try to get everyone's opinion's on what rules/categories/etc should be added. I'm doing this because I've been unable to find a singular source of all these outside of videos of people sharing their best times. I'm hoping to at least expand this game's page enough to bring more people who are not only better then me at speedrunning, but also people who know the in's and outs of everything and can manage the place while I'm not around.

Enzim and snowshoes7_ like this
South Carolina, USA

The biggest issue is that patches often change variables such as ship maneuverability, weapon damage enemy AI, and other parameters.

For the main game, clever use of game mechanics during certain patches can make grinding much easier/larger FSD ranges.

This makes it difficult to impossible to compare times across different patches.

I think, at a minimum, every run should list the game patch that it was run on. If a patch has a functional change that modifies the characteristics of a combat training, then ideally it should be separated from the older patches.

Full game runs can also be split based on using or not using horizons content (for bubble to SAG A, sidewinder to Anaconda runs, etc).

All of this is contingent on actual player activity and interest, however. If there aren't enough runs to justify splitting up the content per patch, than it is probably not worthwhile.


Categories by game version ?

FullGame speedruns might be difficult to control but at least solo and training missions are easier to control since ships are given by the game.

Correct spell errors (Challenge, not Challange)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I was interested in doing speed runs from Sol to go certain points like Colonia/Sag A/Beagle Point etc. I would like to talk this over setting up rules and discussing any issues and such it any one is interested.

PixelNinja likes this
United States

What about TripleElite% or QuadrupleElite%

United States

I would like to submit new categories for the Ram Tah Ancient Ruins Mission (Released in Horizons 2.2) and Guardian Log Decryption Mission (Released in Horizons 3.0). These are the missions that require multiple combinations of items in order to decode Obelisk data. There are now maps and site lists available for both missions and I have made routes based off them though I'm still working on optimizing the one for the Ancient Ruins. I currently have streams and recordings of both missions, with a new PB in the 3.0 Decryption Mission earlier tonight. There are of course tons of factors involved including ship jump range, planetary orientation to the next destination, sentinel interference, etc. so the results can vary.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Hi, could we have a speedrun category for fastest elite rank from new account? Thanks in advance.

Yo I wanna see more people run this game, I could see it turning into a minecraft-esc speedrun with how you have to keep uprading your stuff. Make make like a Sol% category.

PixelNinja likes this
Texas, USA

Alright, so here's my proposal: We make a speedrun category for Dav's Hope, and publicize it to make Dav's hope a bit more bearable and give kind of a competetive edge. How it would work is that as soon as the starting data beacon is scanned, you must collected all of the items on the ground and then exit through the big sign thing where the starting data beacon is

All of this has been noted, I'm adding stuff now!

@N64_Fan, mine explaining a bit more? I added a few runs which you might like.

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

The issue for me with adding new categories is I was brought into moderation with most of the categories already being pretty dead, if you can do runs and someone else can be competitive, then I'll consider adding it :)


speedrun for kiling thargoids would be big, simple combat goals are probably the best thing this game has to offer in terms of speedrunning

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

If people end up with runs, I also think it would make a great addition, I just don't want to clutter the boards with empty categories. I know that the Anxi-Xeno Initiative have their own boards, which I'll leave linked below. I initially wanted to reach out to them and see if we could merge it into this board, but they track quite a few things, and I think leaving it on their own site is the better option.

AXI Leaderboards:

United States

Ah, things aren't TOO dead, I still plan on running 1st Elite and Bubble > Beagle. I think people just don't know the game has speedrun categories.

However, I think that PC and console versions probably need a split on the Full Game section. I never realized there was much of a difference until I saw PiccadillyBlue's run a few months ago (great run, btw) where they were able to copy/paste boosted jump plots from Spansh. Entering these manually on console (even with a USB keyboard) is slow enough to make boost plotting not worth it, much less competitive. It adds up to about a 2 1/2 hour timesave lol

United States

AX Reactivation missions could be a neat speed run category imo, though they'll only last as long as this Thargoid invasion does and even then, the availability of those missions depends entirely upon a few outside factors that can't be controlled for.

I do have a draft for a proposed rules set thought up for them though:

  • On screen timer required.

  • Any ship allowed.

  • Time starts when window says "GLIDE COMPLETE".

  • Time ends when wake countdown finishes.

  • Low or High wake is allowed.

  • Killing the Banshee is optional.

  • Runs are to be grouped by settlement layout type as well as solo vs team.

(Coincidentally, I have a really good run of this I can submit if it gets added :P )

Edited by the author 11 months ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

categories related to odyssey settlements.

Like "Alarmless Extermination" (Cant turn off Alarm system, cant have Alarm triggered by NPC or run fails in both cases), "Undetected Extermination" (Kill everyone in the Settlement while remaining completely undetected, If the NPC is yellow that does not count as detection, if the NPC turns red that counts as detection), "Fastest Power Regulator retrieval" (Grab the Power Regulator as fast as possible by all means necessary) All runs related to Oddysey settlements must have the Timer start at exiting out of Glide.

United States

can you add the thargoid no gib catagorys for large medium and small ships?