Nightmare mode category?
2 years ago

I think it would be very cool to have a nightmare mode category! I'd love to run it with friends

yo700 likes this

Thats a decent category idea, but what should the rules be? geisha, wu chang, feaster, BQ, Nightmare are the hunters you can choose to go againts, so would every hunter get a seperate category or could it be 1 category and the players could just choose which one to go againts. or would it be a rule that you have to choose a specific hunter.

ive thought of a similar idea.

i think it would be cool if chase times would get a category in nightmare mode, it would be a 1v1 and the objective is to get the longest kite possible and you would need to show the data after the match and (contained hunter (secs)). it would also be the time of the run.

obviously some rules should be made like:

-glitching the hunter is not allowed -only use base game survivors not survivors unlocked by (CLUES) -must show custom mode lobby and nightmare difficulty -must show data and (contained hunter (secs))

I was thinking different categories for each hunter, as we do that with bot% and any% already

all survivor characters are allowed

also, I think we should also add another category for best runs overall in bot% and any percent, ignoring hunter selections (but still keeping the hunter categories in general)

Edited by the author 2 years ago

So I’ve messed around in the nightmare mode, and I think there should be two different types of runs: one single player and the other multiplayer. Single player just requires you to escape (loss does not matter), while multiplayer requires a survivor side win

Single player just plays like a harder Survivor vs bot run, it’s a lot of fun. Multiplayer, I’m still looking for some people to try to beat it with me. It’s definitely possible using the right characters

Hong Kong

I think that nightmare mode will be an interesting category, but the main problem is the rules of it. I will list out the ideas from you guys:

  1. single player 1a. 1v1: counting the time that the runner contained the hunter 1b. 1v4 (3 bots+1 runner) the fastest time to escape any survivor
  2. multiplayer (1v4)(4 runners) fastest time to escape any survivor/fastest time to escape all survivor/etc.
Hong Kong

Which do you guys think is/are the best? If you guys have more ideas, we may discuss them here too :) , thx!!!!!

Hong Kong

(Just found out that when I type in : and ) together, it will automatically become that-->🙂 lol)

EliasF likes this

Sounds good! I was playing with 3 bots +nightmare hunter, so I mixed up single player with vs bots lol. Meant vs bots

I like Both 3 bots vs nightmare and multiplayer vs nightmare. Regarding multiplayer, I prefer the win category as it offers the biggest challenge

Edited by the author 2 years ago
EliasF likes this
Hong Kong

I will be very busy in a few days, so I will discuss this category with my mod partner later!


sweetbro i submitted an (survivor vs bot) leos memory and i think it shouldnt get accepted.

i did a trick that made me spawn late and my bot teammates started decoding already, before i was even spawned.

Hong Kong

I think that the run is ok because u load in the match with the spinning animation, so u r starting the game with those bots at the same time, but of course it's better not to make it happen.

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It has been a while since the last post is released. In this post, I am going to talk about the adjustments of retiming method made for those categories mentioned in the title. And why we have done so.

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