Can't find a good guide for speedrun !
1 year ago
Île-de-France, France

Hey there,

I need help for tryin a speedrun on action mode NG but i cant find any guide for that. :/

I just made 3 runs about 11 hours but i cant find how can i optimize every moves.

If someone get a nice twitch or youtube channel or Discord for infos / discutions / tips i'm in da place :p.

Thanks for your help and have a great day !

PS : I got a bad english sorry for that, hope this is understandable !! i'm gonna start stream on it when i restored my ps5

New Zealand

Yidamoda has done alot of runs of Action Mode; very optimized so maybe difficult to begin with.

Île-de-France, France

ok ! thanks for the info & the response ! i'm gonna try it :p

United Kingdom

The FF16 discord is here. There are some guides but they're best used for "where to go, what scenes to skip" rather than fight by fight strats - Crystal and Yida have the most optimised fight strats as of right now but they do not have public notes.

EDIT: Correction, Yida has some notes in the Guides section - but they're for menus only and not really suitable for blind runs.

Edited by the author 11 months ago