walk mode only as a filter?
3 years ago
Tennessee, USA

hi i love speedrunning crimson but i have come to realize that the fastest way to complete the game is teleporting now i don't hate teleporters its just it makes me sick using it all the stopping and going and i was just wondering if we could have a category on all quest saying like walk only any% or teleport only any% or a mix

Act_ likes this

Ye i agree! This speedrun site is so outdated, maybe because the game is still in beta, and game changes after every update. For example teleport delay is now slower than used to be, also pc players have slownessbug soo times can be beaten easily in future. GT solo Any% might be unbeatable, because its S rank everytime. also crescendo s+ solo, because they got rid of hip holsters. Speedrunning is all about beating game fast as possible, no one cares s or s+ runs. There should only be Any% and glitchless% and make sub gategory walk/teleport/screen/mixed!! Also dear speedrun admin if you guys cant decide what Glitchless% means: No skips trought walls/floor/roof! (any other skip, like crescendo cave, fastest way allowed) no glitchwalking, no glitching weapons/potions in game, No holding down teleport button then switch to walk, No skipping enemys, like in isle shunken ship level you get pieces and get up way thats intended, Still allowing doubleshot with bow, its feature! Also i am sure that I speak on behalf of all the top speedrunners bye and gn -Fusi

Act_, Conno and 6 others like this
Tennessee, USA

does anyone know if we can form our own speedrunning site mabey page because I've heard many times that mods are inactive amongst other things? plus people give request for new categories and just get ignored by the people with power so if anyone knows if we rebuild and save all of rr quest speedruns let me know

Act_ and Fusi like this
Tennessee, USA

plus another thing it's just not fun anymore since the top times have become unbeatable due to the teleport cool downtime

Act_ likes this
South Dakota, USA

@Fusi, If Rec Room was not an early access game that sustained minimal changes to overall game play it would be much easier to run and regulate this site. Right now any update Rec Room releases could totally break the game for months on end and result in a patch a year later.. How do we weather that? Do we just reject all runs that use the changes and claim them as unintended when the devs themselves implemented the changes? Right now it feels like the site should get deleted every time a new Rec Room update is released.

My biggest problem with changing the categories (which were laid out long before I had access to making changes) is that it tends to break a lot of things (I broke the page for a few days trying to monkey with stuff =]). I would hate to just delete the existing categories and lose out on all of the historical runs.

@milkygoose What about the mods on this site is inactive? Our oldest run awaiting verification is 3 days old.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Act_ and OrvillesPopcorn like this
Texas, USA

If you want to update the system, you are going to have to bite the bullet and get rid of all of the runs. Anyone who is still active can reupload their run, and can input the correct date (so that there won't say that there were 40 runs done all on one day). There aren't any players who wouldn't be able to resubmit a run that have a run anywhere close to 1st, and considering the stance of "only serious WR attempt should be verified," I don't see the need to keep the old, slower runs anyway.

In my opinion, there needs to be some serious work on the categories. There should be any% and glitchless (Fusi's definition works), drop the lost skull preview, drop omega (or add omega alpha), and probably add other RROs (such as StuntRunner and Disc Golf).

I understand the hesitation to get rid of the previous runs, but it'd be better to cater towards the newer, active speedrunners than the old, mostly gone speedrunners from years ago.

Act_, Fusi, and milkygoose like this
South Dakota, USA

I think there should still be Any%, S% (or S+% for Crescendo. Just whatever the highest rank possible in the quest is) and Glitchless. I think there is still value in the fastest Any% vs S or S+ percent.

We are not doing Stunt Runner since it has its own leaderboard system which is displayed in game. There is also another person who has a SR page for it so I am not going to step on their toes.

I don't oppose Disc Golf but right now we have had maybe two people ask about it? It just does not seem to have enough people behind it to make it a thing.

@.Cody @Fusi @EuphoriaDB @milkygoose @WaitedAtol8593 @Allsfair @RockLobsterOnRR Draft up a clear cut list of "Glitchless" rules and put them here.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Act_ likes this
Texas, USA

I wouldn't worry about stepping on toes for SR, I'm the only active moderator there and the only person who submits runs is the #1 guy (Dr Poverty Shoes) who occasionally posts a good run. I understand the idea, but imo there should be a place for videos to be uploaded (especially considering the number of cheated runs on the in-game leaderboards), and there really shouldn't be 2 separate pages for RR speedruns.

Glitchless rules:

  • No out of bounds
  • Every necessary enemy must be killed (optional enemies like the two tunnels to the left and right side of act 4 in golden aren't required)
  • No glitch walking
  • No using unintended bugs (things like double shot are basically intended)

For unintended bugs, you're going to have to define what's intended. Only think I could think of that might be intended is glitching weapons in. Ignoring the name, it's been possible to glitch weapons in since the back holster's were added and I don't think they've made any effort to fix this.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Act_ and milkygoose like this

Biggest mistake is deleting old runs! old runs contain historical value, people pushing times lower finding new skips and breaking game. Must be way to make everyone happy! One suggestion is keep old runs 2016-2020 and make new tab 2021-, or even make new game application recroom2021 with new admins. That could work, but still cause teleport delay and slowness bug, times will be easily beaten in future, and once again people will be pissed, or devs fixing skips will be issue and causing unbeatable times! I am personally scared if they fix lost skulls skips before slowness bug skip, that will make unbeatable times. @Rocko is there anyway to keep old runs and reorganize all runs, i know it will take longtime... if there will be only GT/CCC/JT/ILS/CBM (delete lost skulls preview) And maybe add DG lake/DG Propulsion (only if people wants) Any%/glitchless%/Misc.(delete omegas, if people wants, i personaly dont enjoy watching those runs) instead could make polls what people wants, (no whip, swords only, 1hand) and Teleport only/walk only/vr only/screenonly/mixed, Most old runs goes to Any% and teleport only% or glitchless% teleport only. Once again there will be question, will boes GT Solo go glitchless% because he pushes barrelguys with bow? I personally allow pushing enemys and thinks like extended weapon thing. Anyways if so that will still be unbeatable, untill teleport delay is back to normal. After walkmode came out most runs goes to Any% and vr only or walk only. In isle old runs goes to teleport only and newest to walk only. (supremium gets Gold solo teleport only again=)) Its very clear speedrunners want glitchless% because that gategory should stay same after updates, and thats measures skills, also most runners likes Any% like me (just wanna see amazing times, game breaking glitchess and skips) in this current state of this site, i just dont care posting my runs, or dying on purpose at end to get any% or in crescendo if you get super good time and you die its s% not s+% its so stupid... also in jumbotron wasting time to get s% how stupid is that, its not speedrunning... Another thing, why dont you apply new mods? still active runners? Have to be player since2016? instead of of getting new active players, and people who are really into speedrunning? "Draft up a clear cut list of "Glitchless" rules and put them here" like i said in an earlier post: No skips trought walls/floor/roof! (any other skip, like crescendo cave, fastest way allowed) no glitchwalking, no glitching weapons/potions in game(they might fix this in future...) No holding down teleport button then switch to walk, No skipping enemys, like in isle shunken ship level you get pieces and get up way thats intended, Still allowing doubleshot with bow, its feature! Also have to add no placing torch top on cannon to make it autofire, because psvr cant do it, I think pushing enemys and hitting them trought wall is ok??? also extended weapon thing is ok its been feature allways. Just waiting others opinions... by the way @Rocko in isle S rank is max 8deads not 7 or 7.75 i am 100% sure.

Act_ and milkygoose like this
Tennessee, USA

hey lil question does anyone know if there is a discord strictly for speedrunning rr

Act_ likes this
United States

@milkygoose There are a few of them I believe. You can ask in #quests on the RR server and probably get an invite.

As for what everyone else here is saying, I couldn't agree more. I actually brought this up before we transitioned in and the old mod took a vote in which I believe rearranging the categories won, but it was never changed.

I think Glitch and Glitchless would be the best categories with screen/VR subcategories(remove mixed since it's a lot of times VR runners and a screen tag along).

I think the guidelines brought up would work well for the glitched category(going through walls, skipping enemies, using the teleport hold for a small boost in speed) and minor things that are generally considered a feature now for glitchless(Doubleshot and bringing lobby weapons)

The big issue is that the game is still in beta and constantly changing making things more difficult for other runners(TP delay change, end pad delay being added) and if they ever do decide to fix holstering weapons or doubleshot I guess they could be grouped in with glitched(hopefully that never happens)

Overall I feel we're open to changing how the page works and keeping the rules as up to date as possible. If changes were to be made we would come up with a concrete set of rules and then put it to a vote with the general speedrun community on discord and/or reddit. I don't mind going through and recategorizing all the current runs

Act_ and milkygoose like this
South Dakota, USA

@Fusi Here is where 7.75 deaths comes from. Feel free to check my numbers! There are two sheets on the file. The first is just ILS enemies per act and the second is how I determined where the S rank border was. Let me know if you have any questions.


Act_ likes this

@Rocko Thanks very usefull, like how old is that? bottler missing in act2? and 2juggers added to portplunder. Last time i did very similar chart i got 158.000 and confirmed it by solo and dying 8 times friend reviving me. But Now i did same thing and got A rank. And that's not all i noticed something strange at boss room, you got 46 Swashbucklers and ghostbear giving 6000points, now there are only38 and ghostbeard must give you 10.000points. They keep adding or removing enemys at Ghost Beards Gauntlet?? how stupid is that=) I think it supposed to be 8 but that 1 stupid bottler in act2 is gone.

Act_ likes this
Oregon, USA

I like the 2016-2020 and then 2021 runs idea

Act_ likes this
South Dakota, USA

@Fusi I'll go back sometime in the next month or so and verify the boss room. I did notice looking through the document history that I did have Ghost Beard set at 10,000 points but changed it. It also looks like the document was created around April 6, 2019.

I know I added the two new juggers but I'm still unsure if I removed the bottler from act 2. I think I did but haven't been motivated enough to fix it.

I don't trust soloing and comparing the scores. I tried that in other quests and the act totals would be off and I would tear my hair out trying to figure out the difference and I think in the end the game was just duping kills even though I was alone.. Just the terrible buggy nature of Rec Room. Since then I have resulted into watching two or three solos by separate people and just counting and then comparing both sets to see if they match and usually they did.

Act_ likes this
South Dakota, USA

For the non glitches category was is everyone's thoughts and feelings on people who cut corners on teleport? I.E. in GT when they stick their hand in the wall and cut through.

My gut says it is a 'no' since the act 3 levels utilizes the same basic principles of it to skip a whole level.

Act_ likes this
United States

I agree, it should not be allowed for the non-glitches category. The Deep Mines skip in CCC also applies to this. Putting your hand through a wall to skip a part of the level in no way can be allowed for no-glitches. Even if you do allow people to cut corners, but no large skips, you're making an exception to the rule. I guarantee you will have someone cut a part of a level and say "Well it only saved 5 secs and I didn't skip any enemies."

Act_ likes this
Texas, USA

I assumed that counted as no OoB, but yea wall clips shouldn't be allowed in glitchless. I say no clips at all, no big skips or small corner cuts (It's a lot better to have concrete rule instead of "some clips are allowed but others aren't").

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Act_ likes this
South Dakota, USA

Yes, I prefer all or none when it comes to verification. I want it as simple as possible so people who do want to participate do not have to read a book of rules.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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