oneshot does not belong in glitchless
11 months ago

Recently, a strat called oneshot, was developed to kill the ender dragon with a single arrow. I believe this is a glitch. Before we can classify it as so, however, we need to define what exactly a glitch is. My best definition is using one or more features of a game to cause a unintended result. If you have a better definition, please share it with me, otherwise, lets look at an example of a glitch that is currently banned. Leaving and rejoining to negate damage. this is a glitch that has always been illegal, and matches my definition as so; the mechanic in question is rejoining giving you 3 seconds of immunity. This causes a unexpected result, or an abuse, intentionally negating damage, with the feature being intended to protect the player from mobs spawn killing the player on join. One shot, combines 2 features to create a unexpected result. These features are: arrows having uncapped damage, being tied to velocity, and the ender dragon giving insane velocity. I cant say what the uncapped arrow damage is for, with my best guess being mojang didnt feel the need to add one, because they thought the bow charge was enough to cap it. And the ender dragon velocity likely being to prevent the player from getting to close, and to send them flying when they get hit. Whilst i cant sayt his for sure, what i can is that this feature wasnt intended for the player to be able to one shot kill the dragon with a single arrow. If one shot is allowed in glitchless, all glitched that dont involve external programs would be allowed. This includes everything from save and rejoining, to the f4 duplication glitch, to basically anything currently outlawed, And since these are outlawed, it clearly means the mods dont want this abuse of features in runs, which, as defined currently, is exactly what one shot is.

Edited by the author 11 months ago
Bruh_Banana, unsortiertes and 2 others like this
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago


Altois likes this

what if ssg glitchless was actually the fastest way to beat minecraft set seed glitchless any% have you guys thought of that. this post is just so goddamn stupid. get with the fucking times man

Kalaphant likes this

@TheGreatestRoman im not sure what your trying to say

reixyz and MooFox like this
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

@TheGreatestRoman your message is so terribly written idk what ur saying but I think it should be like a seperate version but with oneshot

Edited by the author 11 months ago

There was a long discussion about whether or not oneshot is a glitch. It was concluded to not be a glitch. That decision was made taking the previous decisions about classifying glitches into account. Reversing that decision at this point isn't practical at all.

Kalaphant likes this

Your definition of a glitch doesn't really work. There are loads of features with unintended uses, even one cycling the dragon isn't intended, so it's way too broad. Another example of a strat that was debated as being a glitch was eliotex's sprint hunger strat, which easily fits your definition of a glitch, but practically had to be allowed. There are way too many examples of strats that fit in your definition that would have to be banned, e-ray, bed warp, pearl hang, etc.

Kalaphant likes this

@Armpitsmoothie i get your point, but taking this into acount how would you see a glitch be defined


it's a fairly difficult thing to define, but i would say that something is a glitch if it goes directly against what is coded into the game. If you dupe objects by force quitting the game, you are clearly causing a failure in the code, whereas if you just take advantage of an oversight, that's fair game. Save and quit abuse is interesting because spawn invulnerability is intended, but i think it can be categorized as a banned exploit, similar to using /seed in a random seed run.


I agree that there should be a board for one cycle ssg runs tho because i personally think they are more entertaining, but implementing that on src would be quite difficult, so it would probably have to be a spreadsheet.

Edited by the author 11 months ago

this brings up an intresting point: i think a sepreat category for each type of end fight (normal, beds, oneshot) could be a good idea, kinda like the 120, 16, 0 star categories on sm64, it could be setup like ssg or rsg on the leaderboards

SkilletToast and Kalaphant like this
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