Delete game
6 years ago

Hi, I am a moderator for Copy Kitty of the Entanma series. There used to be a leaderboard for the demo-version of the game, but ultimately it was decided to have all runs be done on the full release only.

I couldn't find a way to contact a full mod to remove the demo-version for me so instead sent an email that was provided for other questions, but alas no response or action.

If full mods read this, could one of you delete the game "Copy Kitty (obsoleted)"?

Edited by the author 6 years ago

the button to delete games is at the top right in the "Edit Game" menu.


I am pretty sure you can't delete a game after two weeks, I would ask in the discord :)

MrMonsh, coolestto and 3 others like this
Germany I guess I might as well post a screenshot of it

Pays de la Loire, France

Agreed @MelonSlice, if the game has been added before two weeks Super Mods can delete it. Otherwise only Full mods and admins can do that.

Ask a full mod on Discord, they are very active

Edited by the author 6 years ago
MrMonsh, Pear and 2 others like this

If the game has been up for longer than a given period, not even Super Mods can delete their own game. The board in question is like 3 years old.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
MrMonsh, Pear and 5 others like this

Hello, I tried to find a forum thread regarding to request delete game on speedrun website but I only find this thread so I will request it here. I want to ask to delete the game Hide The Porn! since I don't think that game is speedrunnable since the player need to wait the countdown timer to 0 anyway so everyone will get the same time anyway at the end. I also would request the deletion game of Destroy The Porn although it has a lot of runners.

According to the game request rules, NSFW content games are not allowed so therefore it is best to delete them.

I have also seen other same threads as this but other request to delete the game is because they are red sword moderator themselves and they are able to delete the game themselves but im not a mod in the game so I request that game to be deleted.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
New York, USA
  1. Make a new thread next time.
  2. This game was almost certainly added before the NSFW rule was in place, and rules are not applied retroactively.
  3. You don't run the game. Why should you have a say in if it gets deleted?
Amaz and MrMonsh like this

@ChocolateTheGaming Some counter claims, as someone who watched this game in the past:

  • Despite the name "Destroy the porn", this isn't an NSFW game at all. Have you even played it?
  • The cool down at the end of the game is just a timer for the end part. It doesn't relate at all to how much fast you were in the majority of the game.
  • The players can finish the last part early before the cooldown reaches zero, if they destroy all books fast enough.

As it was pointed above, you don't run the game (and know nothing about it apparently), so you don't have any say in it.

Gaming_64, Amaz and 9 others like this