mod request
1 year ago
Victoria, Australia

Portic is the user that has been able to successfully (at least to your community) been able to pass off turboa's TAS as their own work, that you accepted initially, to which they would then mirror off from their Twitch to a YouTube Stream.

And that will happily silence anyone that actually points out that they steal TASes by blocking them from YouTube and their own Discord DMs.

@Axodo you are aware of this information as I directly contacted you about it in DMs. @MBisonFute you just accepted a run with no-video proof whereas their previous one submitted was a stolen TAS.

You don't need moderation from a person who cheats and is lucky that you guys accepted their run in the first place.

Axodo, Xindictive and 2 others like this

I sent to check some tases including that one of the smurfs, I was banned but some runs were still verifying, including the smurfs one.then asked the stuff to be unbanned, when i did get unbanned I immediately ran to delete all the tases that were still checking, but i accidentally sent a smurf run with no video, they checked it out, then i accidentally deleted it so then i sent another one to check, that's it, i'm still curious about speedrunning in general so i sent an untitled goose game run and i'm learning toree, i know that what i did is ridicolous but if you still want to see me as a cheater or something like that is not my problem.

p.s sorry for the bad english

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Western Australia, Australia

[quote=Portic]i know that what i did is ridicolous but if you still want to see me as a cheater or something like that is not my problem.[/quote] So first off: [quote=Spikestuff]Portic is the user that has been able to successfully (at least to your community) been able to pass off turboa's TAS as their own work, that you accepted initially, to which they would then mirror off from their Twitch to a YouTube Stream.[/quote] Pretty sure Spikestuff is referring to the video they hyperlinked in their comment which is this: which is turboa's TAS on your account that you're passing off as a speedrun still. Second, you have lovingly decided to avoid mention of your many attempts at ban evasion, because after the Portic account got banned, you tried to make more accounts to get around it just to resume doing what you're doing, with "Pangrattato" and "myhonestreaction", to bring up a few, before you managed to get the Portic account back, which by the way, you really don't deserve it at this point if you're gonna act like THAT and then CONTINUE to use TASes and basically be a cheater and a thief. And lastly, your attitude has been very evident. Stuff like "that is not my problem" and "i dont care" is part of why alot of us believe you don't give any kind of care or anything about what we've been saying to you and such, that you'll just keep doing this without any consideration to your actions, even when your account has been banned for being a cheater already. I banned you from submitting to boards that i run such as Bubsy 3D where you did this very act, but Spikestuff was being VERY charitable by trying to assist you in the right direction. It's very clear you're not going to stop though, so while Spike has asked for the board mods to remove your run and would rather have you actually make an actual attempt with a video, as they always say when there's no video in modern day runs "no vid, no did", i will ask you directly, Portic. Please leave and don't come back if this is what you're going to keep doing. The Untitled Goose Game mods will be informed of you too, since we're 100% certain you're submitting another TAS that exists by someone else and saying its "your own". If you were curious about speedrunning, you would be doing your own runs legitimately, not this that you've been doing again and again for well over a few weeks now. This isnt welcome on any board, so please stop submitting stolen TASes to various boards.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Kirisiac, Spikestuff, and Nightwish like this

ok i will remove the video so the fact that i cheated means that i can't post a legit run? every run that i made after my unban was legit and is still getting verifying,the run i posted on yt is a thing, not the runs that i posted on

also did you read my post? i said that when i get unbanned i instantly removed the tased run, bc i posted it before i get banned, and i get unbanned bc i asked it

you guys continue to talk about what i did before the ban, what do u want, my account banned? why? my account is legit, my smurfs run is with no video bc i posted it for a mistake before the ban

i said "i don't care" or something like that, literally bc you continue to say that i don't care about what you've said to me, what i have to do? the smurfs video, for that i'm really sorry but i deleted that run on as i said

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Western Australia, Australia

[quote=Portic]every run that i made after my unban was legit and is still getting verifying,the run i posted on yt is a thing, not the runs that i posted on[/quote] Dude. We've seen every video you've uploaded to that channel. It's all stolen TASes. You have even shown your tases live on the Twitch account you keep linking to Nothing you have submitted has been legitimate. It's all be stolen TASes. [quote=Portic]also did you read my post? i said that when i get unbanned i instantly removed the tased run, bc i posted it before i get banned, and i get unbanned bc i asked it[/quote] I did read the post. You did not just do what you said. You made multiple accounts to evade the ban, and you were attacking Spike because of your own consequences and lying through your teeth, like you're doing right now. Don't try to lie your way through this, it isn't going to work. [quote=Portic]i said "i don't care" or something like that, literally bc you continue to say that i don't care about what you've said to me[/quote] Oh it is not at all in that manner, Portic

Edited by the author 1 year ago

attacking? lie for what?

Victoria, Australia

[quote=Portic]why? my account is legit.[/quote] Your YouTube and Twitch accounts are the issue, especially when you lie as much as you do.

Remember the thing I opened up with in this very thread, pointing out that you were taking credit on turboa's TAS. I saw you upload that video on the 19th October (my time), I made a comment under the video on the 22nd October, I would say check your spam comments, since you have me blocked on your YouTube account**^**, but you deleted the video. Despite privatizing all the other TASes you took credit for.

That was actually after my conversation with Axodo which was dated back to the 15th October cause it was pointing out that "hey, this run is from this twitch vod, and it's TAS input". I would then check your YouTube account and it was still Gun Devil and Goose Game. And I thought to myself "oh so Portic has learnt, that's good".

Then you decided to mirror the Twitch stream of the Smurfs TAS to your YouTube.

Now this is all assumptions, and I'm not going to believe you, cause you're also a walking talking contradiction.

When you realized that "your" invalid run got accepted is that when you decided to mirror that TAS to your YouTube account from your Twitch? So ain't that contradictory of your "I immediately ran to delete all the tases that were still checking" comment? Cause that's is the action of taking credit of others works especially that of a TAS.

Now did you actually run to delete or did that only happen, when I was the person that pointed out, in each TAS that you took credit for as a speedrun and who it belonged to on the YouTube which again, isn't deleted, but private. This isn't exclusive to Bubsy, but it's the easiest to showcase today evidence, than just pointing out that the Rayman TAS that your 1:1 literally took the YouTube video from keylie's personal account and downloaded, and uploaded it to your own at a worse resolution which is also currently private and not deleted.

^ Now in a comment here that you deleted here you stated "but i didn't blocked no one" despite the fact that I do have legitimate evidence against that claim which is in my original comment. Maybe you unblocked me now, but after my statement, and evidence? You're still a liar trying to change your narrative.

[quote=Portic]my smurfs run is with no video bc i posted it for a mistake before the ban[/quote] So you're saying that the run you submitted, with the time of 18:35 is illegitimate then?

I mean, if it's because you're actually using a PlayStation 2 this time on your submission, compared to last time where you submitted turboa's as your own, and didn't mention that it was an emulated run, which is PlayStation... and also a TAS.

Why don't you just do what newcomer speedrunners of every other title does when they don't have the capture equipment and grab out a camera, a phone camera, or a webcam, point it at the TV and hit record.

I stand by my "no vid, no did" and I still stand by the fact you can actually do stuff, but if you're contradicting yourself here, and not providing video evidence to your run, even with a basic camera pointed to a TV. I still believe that you can actually do good, but you're not helping yourself with how you're going on about it.

Portic, if you are actually running Smurfs, and not taking credit for a TAS, and you are actually using a PlayStation 2, get a camera out.

But please, do me a favour first. And stop lying about everything you have stated here, when we have evidence to the contrary which is public and available already. And I'm going to prove it to you: [quote=Portic]i said "i don't care" or something like that, literally bc you continue to say that i don't care about what you've said to me, what i have to do? the smurfs video, for that i'm really sorry but i deleted that run on as i said[/quote]

In my conversations to you, not once did I say that "you didn't care". I told you "Learn something, don't cheat it" and "You're only sorry that you got caught".

You write back to me "I would have simply deleted the videos" and then "frankly I don't care". Clearly you don't care, cause we're looping back around in this conversation. You mirrored the TAS from your Twitch to your YouTube after the conversation that you started with me in my DMs on the 29th September.

Can you please pick a lane, and stop contradicting your own statements and lying. Please stop it, cause as I said, we have evidence to the contrary which is public and available already. And stop blaming others on your actions that you still decide to take.

This is my last post about all this as a note, unless you write something obviously false and damning. As I wrote, I'm still interested in you actually doing good, but it's all you to do, you can't blame anyone on your own actions.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Xindictive likes this

i'm not blaming anyone, i will 100% prove that i will not cheat

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Basse-Normandie, France

@Portic, I will not make you a mod, and I don't think there is anything you can do to change my mind at the moment.

First of all, the fact that your last run is or is not legit is irrelevant here imo. Because even if it is, you were cheating very few moments ago, and I cannot simply ignore that. As I try to see the bright side in many things in life, I do believe that people can change, and that someone who cheated can become a legit runner. But man, it is just too soon, how do you expect us to believe you on your word just yet?

On that subject, I am also ok to accept some runs without videos (mine on the leaderboard wasn't recorded after all), depending on the context. But you should know that I will not accept yours until I think we can trust you again. For that, as Spike suggested, please provide videos of your runs, even if they are bad quality, made by a crappy phone pointed at your TV. Even if they are not your PB, so at least we have something to actually rely on. You could also try to find new strats/glitches to prove you actually have interest in this game. There are many thigs you can do to try to improve your situation, and wanting to become a mod is not one of them.

And about that, I would have refused to make you a mod even without all this cheating stuff and such. Firstly, because yours included, there were less than 10 runs submitted for the 7 years this game has been on We are already two mods, there is absolutely no need to have a third one. As you pointed out on my YouTube channel, yes, your first runs took several weeks before getting accepted. I was away from src for a bit more than a month because of personnal stuff, so I haven't seen your submission until recently. But that should not happen most of the time. And for what it's worth it is a pretty standard time to have a run reviewed on many leaderboards, although I agree that shouldn't be the case here. And lastly, you cannot come here, with just a run (legit or not, that is not the point), and claim you want to be a mod. It just doesn't work that way. Just imagine for a sec that you manage a local non-profit organisation which provides a place with games, consoles and such, for its members to play without having to buy all of that. A dude shows, plays a bit, then ask you for the keys. Are you really gonna give them the keys, without knowing anything more of them? I wont. When you are in charge of something there are responsabilities with it, and you can't just ignore that.

Because all of that, no I will not give you moderator privileges. That is for the moment out of the question. But as I said, if you want us to trust you, then give us reasons (and I mean actual reasons, not words), I'd be very happy to change my mind!

Xindictive and Spikestuff like this

ok, i was not hoping anything after the discussion

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