new category suggestion "beater%"
4 years ago

I just got the game 2 weeks ago and I wanna get back into speedrunning again and I think it would be a very fun category to add "beater%"

rules would be: any% rules + you can only use 1H Sword and if you unlock it dual blades as well as you only being allowed to party up for main story progress you cannot otherwise get (desert premiere quest) and you have to disband your party as early as possible into the game, map bosses and final boss would have to be solod as well, please do it for the memes :D

Florida, USA

There's two parts of this suggestion - one is to go as a sword user, the other is to go through as a solo player.

Sword is a viable route - Dabom does it after an initial grind on Rapier skill. st_all goes Rapier into Axe, for several good reasons.

Most all of the speedruns seem to cap at 350 skill, so I'm not sure how viable unlocking Dual Weilding.

The more I study the WR, though, the more I realize the damage your teammates put out with well-utilized party commands. So going solo is an issue. You'll also have to deal with not being able to revive yourself.

Bottom line, this game needs more runners. Be one of us! :-)

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The load remover used in PC runs has recently been updated to remove dialogue which improves parity between different FPS settings, as dialogue skip speed scales linearly with FPS. Make sure to download the newest version. We are aware there are some instances of dialogue not caught but they should

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