How did you do it 24 - Carrot Island current world record
5 years ago
Orlando, FL, USA

I was watching the video and there were some things I saw that were kind of confusing. such as you leaving the diner once she says sure, and still keeping the milk and also wondering how you beat by 30 seconds without anything major in glitches. I thought this was a great run and was just wondering about some of the things you did

Lieutenant_Boo likes this
New York, USA

Leaving the diner early was something I discovered by sheer luck of timing. I'm not saying I completely understand it, but here's my best guess. There's a small period of time after you've clicked on the door to leave where the game will still consider you in the diner, but before the transition loading screen is completely displayed. The saucer of milk is given to you a certain amount of time after you ask the waitress to fill it (i.e. after her dialog box disappears). If you exit the diner at the right time, you will be given the milk during that period. It will still end up in your inventory, but the loading screen that comes up for the transition to outside overrides the "cutscene" of receiving the full saucer. The setup I use it to stand in front of the tipped over shaker on the table, and click the door when the waitress says sure. If you watch the stream video where I was doing attempts, you can see a couple of times where the card shows up partially before the screen fades to black.

If you'd like me to clarify anything further, I can continue with this thread or you can message me on discord.

Epic_Doughnut likes this
Orlando, FL, USA

Thanks. It was an amazing run too!

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