QII PSX PAL - difficulty Hard - complete video segmented
7 years ago
Pohjois-Savo, Finland


I think you really should make a run and submit it :)

This video contains some tricks to make a run faster for the runners of this game. Thanks for posting it :)

Pohjois-Savo, Finland

Yeah, I understand that issue with real PS1 mouse compared to emulator. But the real PS1 mouse is quite rare and as you said, it is not so good to play with ;)

But it is good to have the controller category for emulator/real PS1 runs which is played with controller.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Pohjois-Savo, Finland

Well nowadays it is very problematic to make a category in which you can play only with the real console. The reasons: you cannot verify is the game in question played on the real console or not, and people don't have these games anymore :) But you can see instantly if the game is played with the controller input VS mouse (and keyboard).

You can never win against keyboard and mouse input with the controller in the FPS game. It's true :)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Pohjois-Savo, Finland

Of course I can make separate category for the real PS1 mouse with rule to show the mouse in the video clip ;)


Hi JessicaSix,

I'm looking forward to watch that run of yours. Don't really have much time to analyze and play around with Q2 right now, but I'm curious what tricks you hide in your sleeves.

Concerning Emulated/Console runs:

Restricting runs to specific hardware setup is rather damaging to Q2 community than helping. There's not many people speedruning it right now (I have a feeling noone does...) and further restricting leads to decreasing of fanbase.

About keyboard/mouse:

The point of having 2 categories for input devices is made to seperate gamepad users from the rest. "The rest" is any combination of devices which speeds up, improve and makes controls more accurate. That by definition is using mouse for look and keyboard for movement.

To moderators:

I would add the following to rules for gamepad users: "Using hacked isos, which allow faster look movements of analog stick is forbidden" http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3145/


The "hacked iso" is not a emulator exclusive problem. You can load hacked iso into PS1 system as well. There's even Action Replay for PS1, that lets you modify game memory.

So I don't see a point of bashing emulator users. What other advanced options emulators have over PS1? Graphic plugins? There's not much more to see to begin with, so there's no advantage in higher resolution, texture filtering or additional effects. Sound? No comment. Inputs? I described it above.

And still see no point in narrowing categories to: -PS1 with controller -Emu with mb+kb. There's always going to be a person, disapointed with lack of his favourite categorie. After all, I'd be much more keen on adding segmented categories to ones already existing.

And you can't just generalize that PC runners do not use controller. I do, and one day I'll submit my emulated PS1 controller any% run.

Pohjois-Savo, Finland

Hello kwasec

Nice to see you posting here on forum also :)

"Using hacked isos, which allow faster look movements of analog stick is forbidden"

I think that is good to add to rules! Thank you for this notice.

In my opinion it is not possible to restrict emulator runs and I don't want it (allthought I never play with emulator). Honestly I haven't never seen that kind of restriction at speedrun.com.

Please inform me if you really want to have the segmented categories.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Yeaah, at this point it's rather clear that any discussion with you makes no sense at all.

I've just read your other posts on NFS and Doom. I'm counting time until you start throwing garbage at other runners, who get better times than you. I guess it will start with "You use cheats", then "You hacked memory" and in the end "You use photoshop to cut out video / speed up game / whatever your mind comes to next".

From now on, I'd be just ignoring all your posts, because clearly you don't belong to speedrunning communities with such an attitude.