Levels are all the same
The levels in the game are always the same for what day they are. Take January 1st for instance. Look at this run for Jan. 1, 2023 and now look at this run for Jan. 1, 2024. As you can see, the level is the same for every year. Since this is the case, then the years should be deleted, and the days/months should be the main focus of the boards.
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grntsz and LordParoah like this
Here’s the thing I can delete the variable for fg runs and it’s fine but if I delete the level categories all the level runs will be deleted
grntsz and Oh_my_gourdness like this
You can archive individual levels categories
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grntsz and Oh_my_gourdness like this
Recent runs
Level: January
Level: February
Level: February
Level: August