Glitches Megathread
8 years ago
Derbyshire, England

Any glitches for the game, post them here, and I'll update this post with them as they are found/talked about.

Animation Cancelling: As any animal that has an A or a B interaction, holding down on the d-pad at the same time as pressing the button "cancels" the animation. One example is as the fox - holding down on the d-pad and pressing B allows for rapid attacking that isn't possible otherwise, and doing the same but for A instead of B results in a dash that doesn't have the starting animation. Animation cancelling can also apply to hopping/flying animals if you hold Up (or down) whilst jumping/flying in a direction then release left/right, you keep going in that direction. You an also release A (or stop spamming it for hopping animals) and you glide along the floor as if you are a walking animal. You can even go up/down slopes depending on if you are holding Up/Down.

Cutscene Skips: There are 3 (I think?) cutscene skips that all act differently. Technically there are more but the extra one isn't worth doing in runs:

  • Honeymoon Lagoon: Exit the mouse the same time you press the last button on the machine. To undo cutscene skip you have to move blind (or using Pause buffering as the camera centers on you when you Pause) to another one of the switches. Handy to get the last button if anyone likes torture, or to reposition to a better switch mid cutscene.
  • Rocky Hard Place: Press Left the first frame you hit the switch. Cancels the cutscene but it still play so you get the objective. Very good but frame perfect/2 frames trick.
  • Borassic Park: Exit the animal before hitting the 2nd camera, then reenter the animal as you enter the cutscene. Really not worth that much except maybe in TAS if you do it perfect?

Multi-dash: If you get a message box in the bottom, the animation of it going up/down overrides your health and energy, meaning that you can spam abilities again and again when the Teleporter Active message disappears. Handy in Engine Room and Rat-o-Matic where you are the Fox with it's dash as you can go long distances quickly to get to the teleporter faster.

Vulture: The vulture is broken. If you hold an animal and try to hold another one, the first one will go in whatever direction you were moving (left or right) until it hits a wall. If it goes up a slope it will follow the path but will not decrease altitude, meaning it will fly right for example. Really useful in Hot Cross Buns. Also the vulture can drop the animal if you hit the right ledge/wall. The animal bounces in the direction it was travelling but DOES obey physics. I don't know how to make it go up optional slopes, sometimes it works, sometimes not. Again useful in Hot Cross Buns, and Penguin Playpen.

Have a Nice Day skip: The sheep pen doesn't require sheep. Put any animal on the gate, exit it, jump at the switch as Evo, and it fills with sheep. A good run does 2 jumps, normal runs 3.

Momentum Storage: This is an extension of Animation Cancelling. When you are an animal that hops/flies, it conserves your momentum so you never lose speed. When you hit an electric fence as the spring ram, for example, whilst in this state, you get flung away but you don't decrease speed, meaning you go very quickly in the opposite direction. VERY useful for Rocky Hard Place. There is a TAS of this level that uses it to great effect, and as it was found after WR and I've not taken this game seriously yet, it isn't on this site as of yet.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Derbyshire, England

Well... Not a glitch per say but definitely worth mentioning - you can enter animals before they become the jumping heart thing which saves time as you skip the obvious waiting for them to be a heart but also them turning back into an animal, you just start the animation at the frame it was when you entered (so if you get it frame perfect, you lose 1 frame I think)

Derbyshire, England

A glitch that isnt helpful but a softlock - in front of any door that you have to press Up to enter, if you also press Select to leave the animal at the same time, for nearly all levels you are pretty much softlocked and have to reset the level. The only exception is Whirlwind Tour which doesn't softlock you. Instead it takes you to the birds eye section of the level with the Camel. Leaving it warps you to a different location in the start zone of the level. More specifically, it takes you as Evo the chip to the X coordinates of the warp you entered inside the Birds Eye view on the main level (so if you enter the birds eye view from the first exit, you spawn near the start of the level upon exiting the birds eye section, entering the section from the least segment warps you to near the kangaroo). Would be helpful if yu weren't Evo. Experimenting with changing into an animal whilst by the warp and pressing Up at the same time despawns the camel corpse instead and makes the camera act weird upon a "new animal" cutscene.


ROMaster2 likes this
Derbyshire, England

Something that is interesting that semi-works: cutscene skips. More details here:

tl;dr version: Cutscene skips sometimes work, sometimes break your save and make it unfinishable. Only 2 work reliably, Honeymoon Lagoon (with good movement) and the last Borassic Park cutscene (due to no cutscene breaking after it)

EDIT: Re-tried cutscene skips, found "safe" skips for them, updated the pastebin accordingly. Only 2 of them actually save time (Honeymoon Lagoon and Rocky Hard Place), one saves time with perfect movement (the first skippable Borassic Park cutscene, probably only TAS as it saves at most a second). The others have different issues (2nd Borassic Park skippable waste time, Hoppa Choppa I cannot find a "safe" skip for the life of me)

Derbyshire, England

The vulture in WWT is actually a unique animal due to how it acts. If you get the kangaroo and go to the left off the platform onto the centre dust tornado (or further), it actually breaks the vulture's behaviour, resulting in it leaving the patrol area it is set in a direction that (I assume) is the direction it faces at the time. This can potentially be abused if he is facing left to encourage the vulture approaching you and so saves time getting to (and from) the vulture. EDIT: It seems to turn at every beat of an 80 beats per minute metronome, pausing obviously in NAC, which can potentially be abused if you can tune your mind to 80BPM with pauses. Anyone got a good song that plays at 80BPM?

EDIT 2: The vulture breaks when the kangaroo is on an updraft, interestingly it doesn't get pushed upwards at all, the game instead treats it as if it's already at the highest point and about to descend instead, but then also stops updating the vultures movements later in the level. Source - the RAM of Whirlwind Tour via Bizhawk. It's really interesting to read the RAM values.

ALSO I've tried rerouting Jungle Jumps. You can do a ramp jump (aka a Key Jump for those that want similarities to N64) to get the key high up on the left hand side of the stage using the Hyena Bike or even the Turbo Turtle. By doing so, you only need the Gorilla for the right hand side keys, and after getting them you can get turtle and do the final left hand side key with turtle. What makes this interesting is that the elevator down to the teleporter can be clipped through by moving and then pressing B as the turtle, allowing you to skip waiting to get to the bottom.

tl;dr WWT and Jungle Jumps are pretty much optimised now with what I know, other levels need to be broken/explored more thoroughly atm. Snow Joke seems pretty optimised too in my route.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Derbyshire, England

The vulture and any grabbing flying animal are perhaps the most broken in the game. If you are holding an animal and go to pick up another one at the same time, the one you were holding will keep going in the direction you were facing/moving (so either left or right) and won't stop until it hits a wall or the boundaries of the level. What is interesting about this one is that the animal stops obeying the laws of gravity - the corpse will go up hills but will not descend, instead floating horizontally in the air. Useful for a reroute of Hot Cross Buns that I plan to have in my runs from now on.

Adding onto this, a minor glitch that is similar happens if you are holding an animal and run into a wall as vulture whilst flying but has a gap at the bottom (think near the first switch of HCB for anyone that's played the GB version and knows it well). By holding the grab button, eventually the corpse will drop and bounce along the floor in the direction you were facing for as long as you hold B. If you were holding Up before hitting the wall and the corpse dropping, it will ascend slopes like you would as an animal. Again, useful for rerouting Hot Cross Buns. I will show both of these glitches soon when I upload a proper run.

Derbyshire, England

Doing any animation whilst entering a new animal also creates some oddities. The easiest example is entering an animal on the same frame as attacking (i.e. after you press B on most animal). Most of the time, the animal will cycle through animations until it reaches the heart animation it's meant to have and then loops like normal. It's interesting but if done it actually can waste time as you can't enter the animal until it goes back into the heart cycle, even if there are hearts in this broken animation section. What could be interesting is if this can be abused to change the animal type buutttt.... I don't know where that is stored yet if at all in the RAM, and even then I don't know where it would be useful/if it i at all a thing. At the moment, it's just a time waste that can be easily avoided. Hopefully.

Derbyshire, England

Old trick I should have mentioned, courtesy of qqwref - Have a Nice Day doesn't need to be done like the casual route. Placing the mouse corpse (or any, but mouse is quicker) at the gate and toggling the switch makes it think it's a sheep and fills the pen with sheep if done enough times.

Derbyshire, England

I finally found my fabled Double Dash trick, quoting myself from the Discord Server as I haven't looked into it in depth but it makes sense:

So when the textbox moves up to say a message such as "Teleporter Active", for some reason when it is moving down it doesn't register the energy you are using to dash, meaning you can spam dashes as the textbox is leaving screen and whilst your HUD at the bottom is coming up without losing any dash energy.

It is most notable in Engine Room and Rat-o-Matic, where it is consistently able to be used with the "Teleporter Active" message, especially as these levels end with long straight areas to get to the Teleporter.

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