New Runner, any tips?
2 years ago
Oregon, USA

Howdy! I'm a new runner, and recently just got 6 WRs for archer IL, any tips I should know?


I'd love to ! i currently don't have that much time for playing / analysing speedruns but i checked on level 1 to 3 and you are faster than my main level run (which mean once they'll get verified they will be legit and true wrs). It will be easier for me to speak to you by discord. Can you join the NL discord server ? The link is just under the following button, but if you can't or don't want np.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Fuck me I watched it anyway

Here's what i have to say

Level 1 : unoptimal realoading : try to task overlap it with charging shoot / waiting for a door to open or to reload while walking

Level 2 : use charge shots on shield dude and try to pierce through them as much as you can. Pierce is the way to go faster while usine the bow Unoptimal boss fight. Also the Aidan Toad's signature move with the giant is to shoot their feet with charge shots when they walk. This can be usefull sometime

Level 3 : Use more charge shots, especially on the giant. You wasted some times with incorrect decision making. (Not a big deal you you look like you want to improve)

Level 4 : Use the bombs at the beginning on the 1st ennemy wave my dude No need for charge shot on the bomb you use against the giant tho (and incorrect reloading right after) You used the next bomb wrong after that, you could have killed more people in one shot Go for piercing through the 3 last wooden shield dude at once

Level 5 : You forgot to use the bombs again Bad decision making on the spider, charge shots would have been better Just before the first encounter with a giant on this level, you spend time reloading while walking but you could have reload while charging a shot for the giant. You forgot the bombs on the stairs

Level 6 : You made some cool shots on this one Once again use more charged shots, especially on shield dude and go for some piercing Incorrect reloading again after killing the first 2 pink dudes Tanking that arrow was not stupid, I should do it too as an archer To the Aidan Toad's foot shot on this boss

That's it for now, there is other detail but that's a good start. Of course I don't care when you miss shots, even Fortuna hits shields sometimes and we don't care. Overhaul you are a very promising runner and I can't wait to see more runs from you. We can talk through src but discord is still better so of you can join the server / add me

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