GTA4 autosplitter
9 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

Copy this into a notepad and give it the file extension .asl. Load it into livesplit using a "scriptable auto splitter" component found in "Control" Confirmed to work for 1.0.7.

state("GTAIV") { uint missions : "gtaiv.exe",0x011C4460,0x10; } start { } split { return current.missions == old.missions+1; }

Dura4ok and Kyle like this
Toronto, ON, Canada

This version works for 1.0.4

state("GTAIV") { uint missions : "gtaiv.exe",0x00C61420,0x10; } start { } split { return current.missions == old.missions+1; }

Dura4ok, deathashzy, and Kyle like this
United States

Thanks for this.

United States

1st game crash: Occurred less than a second after receiving Michelle's text just before hitting the end marker during Bleed Out.

2nd game crash: Less than a second after the phone began ringing with the end of mission call to Dimitri for Crime and Punishment.

3rd game crash: During Waste Not Want Knot, at the top of the stairs just before making the turn to go into the room to pick up the bag.

United States

I've been crashing without use of the autosplitter, so I'm not sure if it had anything to do with those first few crashes. Livesplit has yet to crash again though.

Toronto, ON, Canada

It hasn't crashed at all for me yet

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