(probably) never get an opening bullet in 5-2 (safe strat)
6 years ago
Nevada, USA

With fire (small or big), buffer A+B+right going into 5-2 and you'll never get a bill.

This was discovered by glitchedclip, and has been tested on many many framerules, including framerules with a guaranteed bill if played normally. It only loses 1 FR but guarantees you'll never get a bill, at least on the many framerules it's been tried on.

Dunno if this has been tested without fire.

Also, if this is already known then cool, but if not, yay!

Obviously not a strat if you're going for no framerule losses, but yeah. Great for the many many of us that aren't sub-20

EDIT: nevermind this doesn't work

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Ribb95, xx_420_blazit_xx and 4 others like this
Nevada, USA

Update, we got a bill without fire.

California, USA

Im seeing if small fire is a guaranteed no bill right now

California, USA

Small fire does not work

United States

Are you saying a bill should never shoot? I've had a bill shoot several times just in the first few pellson rom framerules.

Adrian and Ribb95 like this
California, USA

With Big Fire yes but small fire will not work

Texas, USA

Only loses 1 framerule? Unless you mean you can still get a low 7 I'm not sure about that. But generally for me I react to the bullet sound if I dont already know the framerule.

Ribb95 likes this
Ontario, Canada

I just did it with big fire and on like the 4th framerule on the pellson rom I got a bad bill.

Texas, USA

Bullet Bill dont give a care.

KingOfJonnyBoy likes this
Ontario, Canada

Oh World 5, you and your silly roadblocks

warpedclip likes this
Nevada, USA


It’s so weird how we tested so many FRs and it never shot. At least it’s rare.

And maybe it loses 2-3 FRs because of the firework issue, but since it’s suggested as a safe strat it doesn’t really matter for those above 20-21 min on warpless.

Either way. Looks like it doesn’t work every time, so RIP this thread.

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