Edit the page(MOD)
2 years ago
Fukuoka, Japan
Super moderatorHharu
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

We will make major edits to the page because we want to summarize what is measured in hours by time and what is measured in high scores by high scores . Specifically The individual level category will be moved to the main category. Each competition will be placed within each high score and speed competition. This will inconvenience those who have set up to receive emails when records are approved, etc. In addition, the Olympic and practice modes, which were currently separated, will be combined into one.

This will delay the approval of records for those who are currently applying. I apologize for the delay.

JA)時間で測れるものは時間で、記録で測れるものは記録で測りたいのでページの更新を行います。 具体的には現在indivisual categoryに各競技がありましたが、Main categoryに移動します。 小分類に各競技が収納されます。それにあたってメールが届く設定の方には迷惑をかけます。 また、現在分離されているオリンピックモードと練習モードがひとつにまとまります。

この編集により申請中の方の承認が遅れます。 お待たせすることごめんなさい

9/12(JST) ・Because of the way Speedrun.com works, I couldn't bring it into the main category, so I'm adding a speedrun category and a record entry category in the same individual category. Each event is placed in a sub-category within that category. ・Speedrun.comの仕組み上、メインカテゴリに持っていけなかったので同じ個々のカテゴリーに速度を競うカテゴリと記録を記入するカテゴリを追加しています。 その中の小カテゴリに各競技を入れています。

Edited by the author 2 years ago
VeganSpeedRunner likes this
United Kingdom

"the Olympic and practice modes, which were currently separated, will be combined into one". Good choice

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Hharu likes this

Nice, since they're purely time-based

Hharu likes this