Questions and recommendations
1 year ago

Questions for "Full Season" (and possible recommendations)

  1. When does timing actually start and end? (My idea is starting when the "Play Match!" button is clicked and end when the "FULL TIME" on the clock appears in the menu.
  2. How much indoor matches should you do? (IYDK indoor matches are completely optional, so I'm wondering if we should do no indoor matches or all three)
  3. Is it possible to allow tied matches in the season?

Not that I'm probably going to do this, as an any% of the short category would equal at the very very least 3.2 hours long.

Pennsylvania, USA

1 - That's the exact timing rules for the category pretty much. I probably should change it to when the draft starts because that's what Backyard Baseball does for its full-season categories, but I digress. (btw update i did change the timing start to when your first player is selected/when you autopick your entire team)

2 - You don't have to do those because if you did that, that would just lose time (I've never done full-season runs, just to let you know)

3 - Yes since the goal is to win the championship, so not winning every game (in the regular season) would be ok.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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