Zoolander% Proposal
4 years ago
Dublin, Ireland

Hey everyone, I appreciate you reading this.

So I wanted to make the proposal of introducing a category named Zoolander%. The only rule in the run is simple: you must disable your left key, so you cannot move left whatsoever (as per the gag from the film, 'Zoolander').

Holysoul has already made the same request in the forums of RE1 and RE3. With RE1 we only need 3 submissions for the category to be born. I already know Amai Fox will submit a run for this category, Holysoul plans on doing an RE2 Zoolander% run soon and I will be doing one on Monday for RE3.

I have been doing these meme runs for a while now in even the remakes and people seem very interested in watching/running the category. Even NikoHeart did a Zoolander% run yesterday of Alien Isolation.

I did a run of this two days ago and it was the first sub 1 hour for this type of run. As far as I know, this is the unofficial WR:

Again, I understand and respect the time and effort the moderators put in to keeping these classics alive. So I will take any criticism directed towards this proposal seriously.

Thanks a lot guys!

Edited by the author 4 years ago
se3cret and Subsonix like this

The only real issue is verification, it'd be a lot more time consuming to validate a run like this and in turn taking valuable time away from verifying runs on the main board. So here's what we can do, if you guys really want the category appoint somebody to verify runs for ONLY this category and it's yours.

Steven I volunteered to do this for RE1 there I already submitted a run and also did one for RE3. Maybe me and Lucy can co-moderate run validations. I ll be happy to help.

Lucylover likes this

Works for us, as long as it's someone actively running the category

Lucylover likes this
Dublin, Ireland

Ok, well Holysoul and myself would moderate the Zoolander% runs if you would be kind enough to let us? It would be so cool.

The next step would be working out what the rules are? Holy and I feel as though it would be very obvious if a runner turned left so we don’t feel as if keys being displayed should be mandatory. I can’t really think of any other rules

Edited by the author 4 years ago

i set up the category and rules, check it and let me know if it's ok and i'll add you both

edit; i only added Zoolander for Leon A for now because it's a niche thing i feel it'd be better to push the competition to one place and maybe add it to the other scenarios if it becomes popular.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Lucylover likes this
Dublin, Ireland

Perfect, I've read the rules and couldn't have written them better myself.

I just submitted a run. Thanks so much for this!


Great, and btw since 2 of you will be tasked with verifying these runs please don't verify your own runs as that's an unwritten rule we have for all mods, atleast in RE1/2 :)

Edit; I can't add you guys as mods until you enable 2FA on your SRC accounts

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Added 2FA on mine steven

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Lucylover likes this
Dublin, Ireland

I've added 2FA now. So I should be able to become a mod now too :)

Subsonix likes this

all done :D

Lucylover and Holysoul like this

thank you so much steven. Can we edit that rules that the usage of the left key is not allowed in the menus? because in RE2 you can cycle through the menus.

Subsonix and Lucylover like this
Dublin, Ireland

I agree with Holy. Another runner on Twitch just today believed that turning left in the menus was allowed. I had to notify him.

Also, I don't know what you guys think but I think it would help to keep the verification of runs fairer if we insist that runners display their keybindings being pressed. Luckily Holy saw DanSpence's left key being hit in the menu, resulting in the rejection of his run. If he didn't have his keys displayed then we may not have noticed.

Subsonix likes this

added the rule about using left in the inventory but do you have a quick and easy way of setting up input display? specifically for keyboard, controller is pretty simple to do.

but would be good to have the resources for people to just grab rather than searching for programs that do this.

edit; the site is throwing an error and not updating the rules lol i'll try again later

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Lucylover likes this
United States

Requiring input display is something I had suggested in the RE1 thread. Also showing the screen with input binds showing left either unbound or far away from other used keys.

Lucylover likes this
Dublin, Ireland

I think Nohboard works fine. We could link it in the resources along with maybe a tutorial?


Just as an example, this explains how to set it up simply.

I use the number pad on the far right side of the keyboard. 5 = Up, 3 = Right, 2 = Down, 1 = nothing (I bind left to L because even if I hit 1 by accident you can see that it didn't work). This might be nitpicky but in this case, I'd imagine that showing the full keyboard would be safer, to ensure that another key isn't being used to turn left and isn't displayed. But even still, this is just to add to what Deserteagle is saying. Moderators should still be able to clearly see if the player is moving left or not.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Subsonix likes this
Dublin, Ireland

Just posting here to say that I'm going to be doing the first ever Claire B Zoolander% run tomorrow. We already have 4 runs verified for the Leon A board and Subsonix is going to submit his Leon A run any day now. I was wondering if we could move onto making Claire B a category next?

Not sure about anyone else but so far I'm very happy with how things have gone, personally. Moderating Zoolander% has proved to be challenging with having to play certain sections in slow-mo to ensure the player isn't moving left in the inventory. But it's been doable.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Costadinov and Subsonix like this
Dublin, Ireland

Here it is for Claire B. The run is 01:07:33. Found no issues with the run.

I'd understand if you want to hold out on this one. Claire A is probably a bit more popular so I'm doing Claire A on Friday. It's just people picked this one on my stream.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Costadinov likes this
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