Are there any rules for 100% runs with Darkwood? Would be interesting to set bounds for doing the complete story. Maybe a 100% Best Ending category? Just posting this to get people thinking. I'd love to try running this game as any% though too!
Yeah that would be great! For example, wolfman or musician path speedrun on nightmare difficult but we have only one category... any%.
I always enjoy runs that show off the whole game, so I'm always hoping for a 100% run. Maybe if I ever learn any% I can make a 100% haha!
Acid Wizards didn't say that they are making new dlc but in interview they said "we have plans for darkwood", and if you see the IndieGoGo company, backers reach the mark where saying that we unlock free dlc for all backers.
100% looks like impossible, simple example, cant enter in Wedding location w/o invite, same as gets levels. its take bunch of time.
You're thinking the wedding would be DLC? I'd hoped for more DLC where you are a new character. I'd even love to see a #2 where the woods have expanded to take over towns. Larger maps, more characters. Honestly, the game was so well crafted I wish it would go on forever haha!
No, they said, that they have some plans for darkwood and if you check IndieGoGo campain you can see that backers have reached the point "Free dlc for all backers". That's why we are waiting new content for Darkwood.