Thoughts on some of the categories.
6 years ago
Missouri, USA

Hey y'all, just wanted to toss out my 2 cents on the categories and such.

Any%: To be fair, this should be "Any% Glitchless", or just "Glitchless"? So the Glitched Card, Glitched Card + BP set, Item/Radar Glitches, Card Duplication, Party Member XP Glitch (?), and Ginyuu Glitches would be off-limits. I specify Glitched Card vs. GC + BP because they are two different Glitched Cards, AND two different ways to duplicate cards (one of them is the GC + BP, because it sets certain characters' Battle Power to set-values -- Gohan/Krillin/Yamcha get 2.6 mil, most everyone else is set to 75k).

Story-Mode%: I actually have a LOT of thoughts on this one. I agree with most of the category (and would actually add more rules), all the way up to "Gokuu/Gohan/Piccolo reaching max level". Aside from the 2-3 hours of grinding necessary to get Piccolo up there (and then using Freeza 3/4 XP to boost to 47), it feels ridiculous for Gohan to have to do so. Canonically, Gohan was USELESS for the Freeza fights, and Veggie was out-moded the moment he went to his 2nd form. Gohan, at max level, has a Power Rating of nearly a million, which makes him somewhat-viable in the fight. (Roughly the same footing as Piccolo, which i juuuuuust don't see as being possible. Also, Veggie is even MORE powerful at this point, making it extremely difficult to get Freeza to kill him off. (I mean, yes, run until you have a bunch of 1/1's, send him out there, hope Freeza targets him, but still a royal pain).

There is also the factor of possibly using the Party Member XP glitch, which would remove 2-3 hours of grinding, but then make you sacrifice 2-3 minutes of fighting (against Freeza) to kill of Veggie and whoever else to make Gokuu go SSJ.

For MY money, the rules should be the following:

~Obviously glitchless. ~Raditz must die to a Makankosappo. ~Yamcha/Ten/Chaotzu must die during the Green Saibamen fights, or against Nappa. (Skipping getting them so they "cutscene-die" is acceptable.) ~Gokuu must use Kai-oh Ken against Nappa. ~Kai-oh Ken, Genki Dama, and Moon/Tail must be used against Veggie. (Getting Yajirobee, while not required, is helpful if he decides to go crazy.) ~Gohan, Krillin, and Veggie have to survive the Ginyuu Squad. ~Ginyuu has to body-swap into the Frog. ~Have Piccolo fuse with only Nail. ~Veggie must die prior to Gokuu arriving for the Freeza fight. ~Gokuu must use a Genki Dama on Freeza. ~Krillin has to die against Freeza, forcing Gokuu to go SSJ.

...and that'd be it. You're still riding Piccolo like a rented mule for all the fights he's there for, but once you're past the RNG-nightmare that is "Make Veggie try to hit Zarbon/Rikuum/Jiisu", it's a breath of fresh air (until Freeza shows up). There's also some interesting challenges in figuring out how to accomplish the goal of Kai-oh Ken + Genki Dama + having enough in the tank to successfully beat Veggie (on earth) anyways, and having that same situation arise against Freeza. (Which, well....that's kinda what happened in DBZ anyways, right?)

Vegeta% No thoughts here, looks good.

True 100% How exactly are we supposed to get to SSJ Veggie, if no one is allowed to die? Someone needs to die, so he can go SSJ, and Veggie sees this, and thusly becomes the final boss after Freeza dies.

Radar% Honestly, I like the name of it, even though the true title should be "Any%" (to separate from "Any% Glitchless" or so-on.) Semantics, I know, just pointing it out.

So those are my thoughts; my routing out of Story% really mentally kinda broke me, not from the minor-deviations from Any% Glitchless...but from the run literally doubling/tripling in length due to a heinous grind session. You can Zenkai Gohan up, but there is no shortcut for most of Piccolo's XP needs (well, technically there is -- get to 45, Porunga Card for a free level-up, then a couple fights and Freeza 3/4 get it done). Still, the requirement of HEAVY levelling bothered me, so I just wanted to toss that out there.

I say keep the ridiculous grind for the True 100%, so Story% might be a lil' more interesting (while still being somewhat different than Any% Glitchless -- and more challenging, honestly, 'cause even towards the end you only have a Nail-fused Piccolo, who is FAR less beefy).

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Missouri, USA

Oh, other things I wanted to talk about, were specific glitches, things that might be considered glitches, and just...general strats that we know of, so far. (Should probably be made into a guide and put into "Resources", but eh. I might make a video at some point of time, covering a general guide.)

~Glitched Card + Battle Power: I'm not knowledgeable as to which versions of the game this can be done on (between v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, and various translations), but from MY experience, v1.0 works great.

Anywho! If you have at least 4 party members, and no Oolong cards in your inventory, you can enter the Stats screen while in combat, and select the 4th character (2nd row). This will bring up their stat-page; Press A again to clear through and go back to the main Combat page. NOW select the Item option, and the game will....not react well, spamming the dialog (if any) that occurred prior to the start of the fight.

The first thing of notice is that whatever your first Card is? It's offensive rating is now wonky, and will cause odd things to happen in fights. (Usually a higher-offense rating than the normal vanilla card, although other oddies can happen. Your mileage may vary, depending on the Card Style -- Ki cards tend to be the same but higher-damage, while other cards could have you flying around, doing "training" and the inexplicably hurting your enemy, and so on.)

The 2nd thing you'll notice, once you've left this fight, is that certain character will have a much, MUCH higher Power Rating than they should. Gohan, Yamcha, and Krillin will all sport a 2.6 MILLION rating, giving them enough offense to handle most everything in the game. Other characters will get bumped up to 75k, still very nice for the majority of fights.

~Card Duplication #1: The THIRD thing you'll realize, after doing the GC+BP, is that if you select the 3rd person to attack, it won't progress to another character after selecting a card. And, in fact, every time a card is selected by this person, then cancelled back, it will replicate that card....multiple times, if there are slots allowed. So if you had a Z/Z Ki card, and you selected 3 other cards, then that Z/Z, then cancelled back 4'd have FOUR Z/Z Ki cards. (Or, for the purposes of Radar%, Glitched Cards.)

~Card Duplication #2: Similar to the GC+BP setup, with without the pesky "Oops, I borked everyones' Power Ratings". Instead of selecting character #4, select Character #7 (note -- you have to have at least 7 people in the party). Now, similarly to the previous dumping scheme, you select cards the 2nd Character (not the 3rd character), and can duplicate them in the same manner -- select/cancel to duplicate the LAST card he picked.

~Cursed Card (Glitched Card #2): Ah, the fabled boss killer. Need to have at least 5 selectable party members (so no, Dende's lil' friend doesn't count --but Dende does!). Put the person who will be creating the card in the 3rd slot, and have a "Preferred" card available for them to select. Character 1 picks a card, Character 2 Picks a card, you skip character 3, Character 4 (or 5) picks a card, you go back up to Character 3, and pick the Preferred (group-attack/AoE) card. The game jumps down to the last person to pick a card, but you cancel up to Character 3, hit A twice, then cancel back away from his pick altogether. The game creates a card out of thin-air, with a lot of weird symbols surrounding it.

This card has a WIDE variety of effects, depending on what its' Defensive rating is -- so you can modify it to do all sorts of gloriously-weird things by Failing to run (and lowering its' Defense by 1 each time). Things I've found it can do -- force anyone to become an Oozaru, crazy damage, hard-lock the game....don't do that last one. (I think just about any attack can be recreated by dropping it to the right defense-rating?)

Also worth mentioning that it will never truly hit "1 Defense", so you'll have infinite runs simply by having that card on the screen. It WILL start to bug out the game, so I don't recommend that.

~Ginyuu Glitch: Beat down Jiisu/Baata, so only Ginyuu (Gokuu) remains. Damage him until he swaps into someones' body. Now switch your character order so the person you want to lose (coughCHAOZUcough) is swapped with who Ginyuu used Body Change on. Finish the fight out, and you have Ginyuu!

~BP Overflow (glitch)? For the Saiya-jin, if you get them down to 5 HP or less, then use a healing item (in-combat) that restores their HP to full -- Kami, Shenlong, Korin -- then they will receive a level-up. If you have Dende up to level 3, and have HIM do the healing, then the Saiya-jin will receive the Zenkai-boost (the BP they woulda gotten from the level-up), but without actually GETTING the level-up. So their XP is the same.

I'm not entirely sure if this IS a glitch? But since I have no idea how the programming of this works, and multiple ways of getting the "proper" Zenkai boost, I think it's fair to assume that they simply forgot to program in the flag to "Level = Level +1" when Dende does the healing. Anywho, since that person won't cap out on XP, that means you can keep boosting their Power Level to obscene levels.

~Item Glitch: The game lags in menus. We all know this. Anywho! If you select a Restorative item (anything that heals up your HP, KI, or both), and try to use it on someone who is already at-full, the game will tell you it can't be used, and default to where the cursor was when you hit the A button. Thing is, due to the lag, you can press Up/Down + A to select a different item, then have the game "Can't Use" to default the cursor onto...items that shouldn't be able to be used. The prime examples of this are from Radar%, where you use a Pool/Puar card to try to restore someones' Ki, fails, then the cursor falls back onto the Radar. This attempts to open up the Radar (which pulls up the world map in the process), overwriting the current combat status, and allowing you to move around on the map as if you were no longer in the fight.

(Interestingly, you are simultaneously in and out of combat at this point -- you cannot use any Bubbles cards to avoid further confrontations as if you were in combat, but the game will still advance the step-counter so you can still get into more fights.)

Other applications of this glitch include using a Buukujutsu to escape the Rikuum/Gurudo fight, or the secondary BP-overflow glitch~

~BP Overflow Glitch #2 When not in a fight (so...usually a shop), procure several Kai-ou Sama or Saichourou cards, and Item-Glitch onto those instead. (Sooo....get another Pool card, have it right next to them, Up or Down + A, profit.) This will apply the buff to whoever you want, as if you were in a fight, but it will remain on them. However, the game won't allow a second application until you change maps (or enter a fight)...but since the fastest and easiest way of doing this is simply entering/exiting shops, then you can stack up someones' BP to insane heights rather quickly.

~Zenkai Boost.
Well, I just described this in the BP Overflow, so...lookit that.

~Turn off Combat while flying/Guaranteed Combat while flying.
I'm PRETTY sure these were programmed in for testing purposes, since it's simple button-presses to activate it.  Anywho, select FLY, then do not press anything except Y three times.  Now press X (to turn on faster flight), and congrats, you've turned off combat!  

If you need to land on the overworld, you need to reset the No-Fly-Mode (NFM) by flying, landing, and flying again.  NOW you are able to Y (x3), X --> NFM!

As for guaranteed combat, you simply start flying, and tap the direction you're moving + Y three times.  (So Left + Y three times, or Up + Y, or...whatever the direction you chose.)  A fight will occur after the exact same amount of movement, every time, which is VERY handy for forcing the end-game gauntlet to get to Freeza 3/4 faster.  (If you do it exactly the same every time, you'll get into a fight at the same beat of music.  It's neat!)  Also, there is no need to Unfly to reset this, as you can immediately Direction + Y three times to get into another fight right after. 

Anywho, those're my notes on such things.  Yes, I realize this is mostly a retread of what I put in the other thread, but I wanted to also include notes on each glitch, as well as UNFLY and guaranteed fights.   (Also also the BP-overflows.)
Edited by the author 6 years ago
Missouri, USA

Okay, one last thing! Fionordrequester did a quick video, demonstrating the "Veggie kills a party member, and you get stupid XP from doing so" trick, which I'm not entirely sure is a glitch? The game appears to take the murdered Party members' XP, multiplies it by the XP you get from finishing the fight itself, and bingo, that's what you get at the end of the fight.

So, in theory, you could have all of the characters survive the Earth fights and go to Namek, go right for Kewie, and intentionally sacrifice Chaotzu and....everyone else in the group is at max-level. Do y'all qualify this as a glitch, or just faulty programming to be abused? Hooray, moral gray area!

Here's the video:

UPDATE: So, with further testing, this Kewie-XP fight is wrong on a couple of sections -- at no point will Chaozu ever be stronger than Gohan, nor is there a point where you could level him up without also levelling Gohan. Also, Gohan doesn't actually attack when "Auto-Fight" is selected, so...I don't know what's up with Fio's ROM, but it's doing wrong things).

As for the glitch itself? Well, in THIS fight it glitches out because Veggie isn't a true party-member, so his AoE attack -- which has a chance of hitting other party members -- gets interpreted badly, and if he DOES "AoE" the party....sometimes it's him melee'ing everyone else individually, sometimes he does a singular Ki-Blast to everyone (as if you'd used a Lunch card on him)'s badly programmed, and I'm calling that one a glitch.

Having said all that? Later on the game, when Veggie is in the party normally? You can select the Bakuhatsu-ha, and Chaotzu, and have the two of them march out into the field, and if he targets his fellow party-member? You still get the XP from it, meaning player XP is meant to be calculated in with the "dead enemies".

So if you were to, say, intentionally bring along an Earthling and sacrifice them against Zarbon? You're set for the rest of the game. It uses the correct animations this time, so I'd wager it's not a glitch in this instance. (That previous one, though...yeesh. Green-screen deaths ahoy.)

MORE UPDATES: Okay, so doing this particular trick (glitch?) on the first Zarbon gives you max Levels (RIP Chaotzu), but the game conveniently forgets this after Zarbon 2, so you're rolling up on Rikuum/Gurudo with Veggie at a robust 32,000 BP (eep), and everyone else is rendered back to their previous, "I didn't fight Zarbon" Power Levels. This isn't good. glitches on Kewie, it glitches after Zarbon 2 (if you used it on Zarbon 1)....but every further fight, it treats it as legit.

I'm thinking it should be ruled a Glitch? But there's ways to make it NOT glitchy (you can get past the Rikuum fight with it, and it'll still hold everyone at max level) I'm conflicted. Thoughts, from the DBZ RPG crew?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Missouri, USA

Update to that last post -- it's actually not a glitch, the game has programmed-in values for XP off of player characters that get killed.

Here's the outline to what happens here: Veggie's Bakuhatsu-ha is the only attack in the game (that I am aware of) that can target other players attacking during that turn, because the dude does NOT care about anyone else. It's not a commonality, but it can happen.

Furthermore, players have a programmed-in XP value of 1,513,241. Way, WAY more than enough to get everyone up to max level. (If you kill multiple characters, then that value adds up, meaning it IS a defined number per person, regardless of level or BP.)

This is an intended value, using an intended (although rare) ability from our Saiya-jin Prince here. The only glitch part about it, is that sometimes the graphics won't be of the Bakuhatsu-ha when it's hitting other players (screen goes green, shows wrong animations, whatever) -- this is out of the players' control, and is only a VISUAL glitch, so I'd honestly say that "Party-Kill" strat is NOT a glitch.

Considering I've done a number of marathons, using it during Glitchless runs, to ensure a comfortable 3-hour estimate, my official ruling is that it is SAFE for the Glitchless category! (Especially so, since it's MUCH slower than the WR strats.)

Edited by the author 4 months ago
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