How do you do warps (Xbox 360)
3 years ago
United Kingdom

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can someone break down how to do a warp? Me and my brother have been trying to figure out how to do the stormy stronghold warp, but haven't been able to make it work. We've put player 2 next to the rock, disconnected them from the game, then gone into the level, pulled up the stats menu, put player 2 back on but it never warps!

jensj56 likes this

I recommend you ask this question in the discord as you have a better chance of getting a reply there,

thek9cow likes this

For the warp setup to work you need 2 identical skylanders in the game

Then when you load the level open the stats screen on p1 put on the second skylanders and then when the game says "to many skylanders on the portal" press join on the second controller

Then it should warp you

thek9cow likes this

or a better explanation using a video

thek9cow likes this
Thuringia, Germany

It also helps if you hold a direction with the second Player during the warp, otherwise the warp might fail.

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