(DS Version) How do I regroup?
So I've never played the DS version, but what's going on in your game? I just watched the provided vid and it seems pretty straight-forward and waiting on cutscenes to kick in to progress at certain points - so what's your game doing?
I'm not sure if this is your exact issue, but the description sounds like it: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ds/960119-star-wars-the-clone-wars-republic-heroes/answers/124236-im-stuck-on-juma-nine-mission-1-can-anyone-hep-me
It seems like you need to click to attack rather quickly otherwise it might glitch out or something?
Recent runs
Level: Behpour: 6 Exit Clearance
Level: Behpour: 5 Zero Hour
Level: Behpour: 7 A Skywalker Plan
Level: Behpour: 8 Old Friends