Live split in Dark souls
3 years ago

EN: I have a question, when I am in the game I press the button to start the counter in the live it does not start, it is seen at 0.00, but when I am not in the game, time is running. My question is how do I fix that?

ES: Tengo una duda, cuando estoy dentro del juego apreto el boton para que empieze el contador en el directo no arranca, se ve en 0.00, pero cuando no estoy dentro del juego, el tiempo esta corriendo. Mi pregunta es como arreglo eso?


Hey, creator of the LiveSplit plugin here. When you're not in-game, the plugin reads the time from your savefile directly, which should normally be located in Documents\NBGI\DARK SOULS REMASTERED<some unique number here>. Please confirm me that it is the case and that you're also not using a pirated version of the game, thanks.


Yes, i am using a pirate version of the game


Then I'm sorry we can't help you. The speedrunning tools are developed only with legit copies of the game in mind. Buy the game or just deal with the issues.

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