The PC release of Corpse Party: Blood Covered
8 years ago
Maine, USA

So right now I'm just casualing my way through the game, but it seems like it would be fun to speedrun. For the sake of submitting runs, would it count as the original game or would there need to be another game entry made?

United States

Are there any gameplay differences between the two versions?


PC version is based on the old BloodCovered, and has a fastforwarding feature which the other versions are missing, and possibly some gameplay differences as well since it's on a different engine. While the PSP(/3DS) version is a remake of BloodCovered (Corpse Party BloodCovered ...Repeated Fear), I suggest making the PC version a completely different game.

New Jersey, USA

I agree with Samu. The Steam version is a completely different game. Differences I have seen: Fastfoward feature, lack of CG scenes, and minor gameplay differences. I've also seen a few glitches in casual playthroughs, such as not having to use the Loose Board in Chapter 1, and items appearing in player's inventories before an event. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like any of those glitches would help in a speedrun, as they were actually hindering the players from progressing when I saw them occur.

On a side note, I think PS Vita and PS TV should be added to the run options for the PSP version of the game. I know I've done all of my runs on the PS TV, but have had to mark them as PSP.

United States

Added ability to play from PSTV and Vita.

United States

I also added a whole new game leaderboard for the PC game.

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