Red Dragon Jump Clip
7 years ago

So, I tried out Strider after the AGDQ showcase and I found a clip at the start of Red Dragon, where you take the jump upgrade at the start of red dragon and then jump instantly, it sends you through the roof and to the boss room below.

Is this new or an old glitch?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
_mabel, G21Turismo and 37 others like this
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Very interesting. Worked for me on everdrive

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Rmac524 likes this

Yeah I can replicate that too. It's not in the WR so I'm inclined to believe it's new.

Rmac524 likes this
California, USA

Yeah that's very new and bypasses two very hard frame perfect tricks so that'll make the run and rankings interesting. Good find, man!

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Important question: Do we call this the Aldriel skip or "Just jump straight up, dumbass" :P

UNHchabo and baldnate like this

Wow! My gut is that this is faster, and definitely easier. Time to put together a run with that in it.

Now if only the Australia skip could be replaced with something faster and easier :-/

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Rmac524 likes this
California, USA

So after playing with it you can't do the double ko trick on the 2nd boss for this glitch. For whatever reason being stuck at the beginning of Red Dragon is why it works. Also Tarbash did some timing and it seems to be only about 1-2 secs faster than the old route. Still it's WAY easier to do so no reason not to.

(Note: With the new way to kill the final boss it saves about another 5+ secs so yeah the final part and game overall is super free to run now.)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Aldriel, Rmac524, and baldnate like this

awesome find this gives me a reason to play strider again PogChamp

Aldriel, Rmac524, and baldnate like this
United States

whenever i try this skip i just end up getting stuck and hitting the roof normally rather than actually clipping through. anybody got any idea what im doing wrong?

There are four working parts to the jump zip:

  1. You need to survive the Africa boss fight. If you double KO, the trick doesn't work.
  2. You need to use the "jump" trick from the select menu.
  3. You need to jump and get into the ceiling before you lose your horizontally locked status. Your time in menu doesn't matter for this, just out of menu time.
  4. Avoid mashing jump past what you need to get clipped. It is possible to jump back in bounds if you keep mashing.
Aldriel, Rmac524, and SubStylee like this

zaxdar: When I was practicing it, I used Strider's sprite as a visual cue. You have to hit select before he puts his knee down, and when you get out of the menu the knee should still be up. You have to jump before the knee goes down.

Also, as baldnate said: don't mash jump. Not only do you run the risk of being pushed back in-bounds, but I found that mashing to get OUT of bounds never worked for me.

Västra Götaland, Sweden

You can actually just mash select to bring the menu up as fast as possible (no timing required) and then time jump after that. Do not mash jump though

baldnate likes this
Arizona, USA

I kind of mashed jump but not the FAST mashing way and works just fine to me when I mashed to clip in then I stopped mashing when it zipped upward to the boss room. :-/

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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