Glitches/Skips etc
3 years ago
Kilkenny, Ireland

Just to start off.

at ~10:30(not my vid)

instead of doing the stuff with the water you can do a pixel perfect jump to the ladder. I did it on controller. I'm not sure if you can hold up on keyboard so the timing to climb the ladder can be tricky. If done first try probably saves ~20-30secs

Edited by the author 3 years ago
MrLogout05 likes this
Lazio, Italy

Hi, thank you! Good to know it's possible, I've tried many times but never managed to. I'll try to figure out a consistent setup for it :) (If you had a video of that it would be great)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Kilkenny, Ireland

I cleaned out alot of video files, seems that was one of them. If I ever play through the game again I'll try record it.

MrLogout05 likes this
Lazio, Italy

Ok, don't worry and thank you.

Kilkenny, Ireland

Got it twice in a row. It seems there's some sort of momentum in the game? It's minuscule but it's there. So you need to move first then jump, land so you get shunted down a tiny bit, this (I think) gives you enough speed to make it. If you want an easy setup you can die to do it, lines up quite well. Or stand roughly where I did for the second one :) GL

Edited by the author 3 years ago
MrLogout05 likes this
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Super boosted jump glitch, biggest timesaver ever found

This glitch is only possible on moving platforms and happens because you pause the game on the first frame of a jump. That way the game will start charging 1 jump per frame so that when you unpause you get all those charged jumps in a giant one. You can use it to skip almost the entire chapter 2 for

3 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago
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