Is there a required website to post our runs to?
1 year ago
Wheeling, WV, USA

I am wondering if there is a required website (Youtube, Twitch, etc.) that we need to post our runs to. One problem I am encountering is not being able to post all of my videos on Youtube due to a "Daily Limit" to posting as I just made the youtube channel. This can be fixed with a verification but I do not have any way to verify the Youtube Channel per the options given. I have another option that I used before I made the Youtube channel that I was wondering would work.

The website i used to post my runs on is Streamable, a video uploading site that lets you share a direct link to your video, the only downside being there is no "profile" that allows you to see all the user's posts. So you have to click on the direct link on the run if you want to review any other runs from the user.

If you have any other ideas on sites that do implement a profile function please let me know as I would be interested in using it as an alternative to Youtube.

Thank you, HippoLays :P

Oh_my_gourdness and flashhh like this

It isn't required for you to use a specific website to upload a video. However, it might be inconvenient for a moderator to check runs from some video sharing services (for example, Streamable is blocked for my country) so it is better to use YouTube as a global thing. Sites with profile function aren't required either, as the video link only needs to provide a video, not a specific user.

I can advise you to do several in one video at once, just sign the time of when where run's the video or in the description of the video leave a time code

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Wheeling, WV, USA

Okay, thanks for your help. I appreciate it as always.

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